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TREATMENT DECISION                                  has been generally proposed as the backbone of the
                                                              HCCs treatment that has been approved by the European
          There are numerous classifications and staging systems for   Association for the Study of the Liver and American
          planning the treatment of HCCs, but every HCC and every   Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.  The system
          patient must be evaluated individually. Treatment options for   encounters the size, number, extrahepatic dissemination, and
          HCC have a wide range of modalities that change according   vascular invasion of the tumor. It also uses the Child-Pugh
          to the stage of the tumor and the patient specific factors.  score system for the liver function, examines the presence of
                                                              portal hypertension, and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology
          In 70% of the HCC cases, the treatment modalities used are   Group (ECOG) classification for the health status of the
          not for curative intent. When diagnosed, 50% of HCC patients   patient.  Every detail and finding about the HCC and the
          are suitable only for some palliative treatment modalities   patient is important in deciding the right stage, treatment
          such as transarterial chemoembolization, chemotherapy,   choice, prognosis, and outcome of the disease. Hence,
          and sorafenib, which are proven to be effective on the HCCs   evaluation and the content of the staging systems must be
          by giving a median survival of 11-12 months at max. For the   well-known by the surgeons to avoid a misdiagnosis or an
          remaining 20% of the patients, symptomatic and supportive   overtreatment that is in-effective and un-necessary for the
          treatments can be used within a very limited survival period   patients. The only handicap of the staging systems, scores,
          of < 3 months.  The curative intent treatment modalities   grading systems, classifications, algorithms, charts is the
          vary among a simple curative resection of the HCC, ablative   difficulty in memorizing, remembering, and/or recalling the
          methods, and liver transplantation, and these methods are   contents of them. Moreover, most of these systems do not
          usually suitable in patients with small size HCCs. However,   include any data about surgical details such as extent of liver
          these curative treatment options may be possible only for 30%   resection, intra-hepatic distribution of the tumor(s), and the
          of all the HCCs with 5-year survival rates of 40-70%.  Liver   technical feasibility of the resection that are all vital for the
          transplantation itself has an advantage over other curative   surgeons in deciding the surgical resections of HCCs.
          therapies by eliminating both the HCC and the underlying
          cirrhosis. However, resections and ablations for a curative   TRICKS AND TREATS TO LEARN, REMEMBER AND
          intent should also be preferred because of the limited   RECALL
          shortage of donors. The incidence of the HCCs is increased
          in years from 2.8 per 100,000 in 1979 up to 4.6 per 100,000   There have been numerous learning techniques and strategies
          in 1999. Every year over 571,000 new cases are diagnosed   described in time to simplify learning, to make memorizing
          with HCCs, most of them (44%) from China. Annually,   processes easy, and to ease recalling of them from memory
          552,000 deaths due to HCCs or HCC related consequences   when they are needed. When there is a list of items, steps or
          are seen worldwide.  It is estimated that nearly 20,000   words to be remembered in a sequence, the first letters of
          liver transplantations are annually performed all around the   these words is written one after the other and that formed
          world for all indications. When compared to the annual cases   word or the phrase is called a mnemonic acronym. This
          diagnosed and yearly deaths seen due to HCCs, this overall   acronym can be used to remember the right words in the
          transplantation number is more than insufficient. That’s   right order. It is proven that this strategy makes the learning,
          why these resections and local ablative methods must be   memorizing, and recalling processes much more easier. [9,10]
          performed much more frequently in every HCC case possible
          to improve survival rates at different stages if possible.  The mnemonic acronym is defined as an invented combination
                                                              of letters for this purpose. The acronym formed from the
          HOW TO DECIDE: WHICH WAY TO GO? WHAT TO DO?         initials may be a meaningful word, sentence, phrase, or
                                                              a nonsense phrase for example like “PVT TIM HALL”. This
          HCCs’ stage evaluation is essential to decide on the treatment   is a mnemonic acronym used by the medical students to
          modality to be chosen. The stage of the disease and the   remember the essential amino acids. These amino acids are
          status of the patient give an idea about the resectability, the   Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine,
          prognosis and the therapy to be chosen for the HCCs. There   Methionine, Histidine, Arginine, Leucine, and Lysine.
          are various staging systems applied for staging of the HCCs   Sometimes the mnemonic acronyms formed may be a
          in the literature such as Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC),   meaningful word or phrase related to the original sentence,
          Cancer of the Liver Italian Program, Group Study, and   which is much more favorable due to the ease of recalling and
          Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Chinese University   remembering the acronym too. The example for this can be
          Prognostic Index, Japan Integrated Staging, and Okuda or   the total parenteral nutrition (TPN) indication, which is the
          Tokyo.  From these staging systems, the BCLC classification   phrase “MISIPPI Burning”. Here, the word is composed of the
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