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                             Stage 0                      Stage A-C                    Stage D
                         PST 0, Child-Pugh A           PST 0-2, Child-Pugh A-B     PST > 2, Child-Pugh C

                          Very early stage (0)   Early stage (A)  Intermediate stage (B)  Advanced stage (C)
                           Single < 2 cm  Single or 3 nodules  Multinodular,  Portal invasion,   End stage (D)
                          Carcinoma in situ  < 3 cm, PST 0   PST 0       N1, M1, PST 1-2

                              Single         3 nodules ≤ 3 cm

                          Portal pressure/
                            bilirubin    Increased

                              Normal       Associated diseases
                                           No        Yes

                                     Liver transplantation
                            Resection               RF/PEI    TACE        Sorafenib  Best supportive care
                                   Curative treatment (30-40%)  Target: 20%  Target: 40%  Target: 10%
                             Median OS > 60 months; 5-year survival (40-70%)  OS: 20 months (14-45) OS: 11 months (6-14)  OS: < 3 months
          Figure 1: Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging system. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; PST: performance status of the patient; OS: overall survival;
              CLT: cadaver liver transplantation; LDLT: living donor liver transplantation;   RF: radiofrequency; PEI: percutaneous ethanol injection; TACE: transcatheter
          arterial chemoembolization

          Table 2: Child-Pugh scoring system                  the decision of surgical resection. Contrary, patients with
          Parameter                   Points assigned         peripherally located large HCCs could be good candidates
                                1          2          3       for a surgical resection [Figure 2].
          Ascites             Absent      Slight   Moderate
          Hepatic encephalopathy  None  Grade 1-2  Grade 3-4  Stratifying risk factors
          Bilirubin μmol/L (mg/dL)  < 34.2 (< 2)  34.2-51.3 (2-3)  > 51.3 (> 3)  In an optimal HCC patient, with a good patient performance,
          Albumin g/L (g/dL)  > 35 (> 3.5)  28-35 (2.8-3.5)  < 28 (< 2.8)
                                                              no distant metastasis, a well-compensated liver reserve
          Prothrombin time
                                                              and a technically feasible tumor for a resection, it has
           Seconds over control  < 4      4-6         > 6
                                                              been shown that bilirubin levels and portal hypertension
           INR                 < 1.7     1.7-2.3     > 2.3
                                                              are additional independent survival predictors. It was
          Child-Pugh score classifi cation - Child A: Score 5-6 (well-compensated); Child
                                                              shown that in Child-Pugh Class A patients, without a portal
          B: Score 7-9 (signifi cant functional compromise); Child C: Score 10-15
          (de-compensated). INR: international normalized ratio  hypertension and with bilirubin levels < 1 mg/dL compared
                                                              with the patients with a portal hypertension and bilirubin
          impaired regeneration, increased risk of operative bleeding,   levels > 1 mg/dL; 5-year survival rates were 74% and 25%,
          post-operative ascites, and bleeding varices, high portal flow   respectively [Figure 3].  In other words, patient who is a
          in non-compliant vascular bed, and liver failure.  These risks   good candidate for surgical resection should be in stage
          and post-operative mortality rates are closely related with the   Child A and moreover, they should be in a “better” Child A
          reserve of the liver. Nagasue et al.  reported the results of   subgroup with a normal bilirubin level and without portal
          major hepatectomies (more than two segments) in cirrhotic   hypertension. The indicators of portal hypertension as
          patients with the mortalities for Child-Pugh score A, B, and C as   splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and esophageal varices
          16%, 33%, and 100%, respectively. As a result, the candidates for   should be checked.
          a surgical resection should be preferably in Child-Pugh Class A.
                                                              Hepatectomy size
          Intra-hepatic distribution                          In a normal healthy non-cirrhotic liver parenchyma, liver
          The curative resection is the only modality that can achieve   resections up to 70% are well-tolerated due to the intact
          survival benefits in HCC treatment. However, size and number   regeneration capacity of the hepatocytes.  The size of the
          of the tumors are not the only determinant for the selection   hepatectomy must be as small as “oncologically” possible in
          of the resectable HCCs. In case of difficult tumor locations,   HCCs. “The Makuuchi criteria” is an important algorithm for
          the size of the tumor cannot be the main determinant for   the HCC treatment in cirrhotic patients. These criteria use the

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