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survival rates of all 719 patients were 97.7%, 79.8%, 62.1%,   rupture of HCC tumors. [64]   With the advancement of
          45.3%, and 34.1%, respectively. One-third of the patients     techniques and equipment for clinical    application of
          had Child-Pugh Class B cirrhosis, and  a portion of them   microwave, MCT will   be promoted more widely and used
          had multiple tumors. Compared with another group of   more extensively than before,  through the approaches of
          34 patients treated with hepatic resection during the same   laparoscopy or   image-guided percutaneous puncture.
          period, no significant difference was found in overall survival,   Regrettably, intra-hepatic recurrence of HCC is common
          disease-free survival or local recurrence rates between the   because MCT is indicated as  a substitute for surgical resection
          two groups. Based on the results of this study, the researchers   for patients with advanced liver cirrhosis.  Nevertheless,
          proposed that MCT should be considered as  one of the first       MCT can be readily repeated when there is a recurrence of
          options for the treatment of HCC. [55]              HCC.   Overall, MCT is great for cost-effectiveness compared
                                                              with other treatment for HCC like sorafenib. [65]
                                                              The   characteristic feature of MCT for the treatment of
          The adverse effects of MCT for the treatment of HCC are   HCC is the  conversion of energy by tumor tissue  from the
          various and can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe   microwave into heat with resultant  coagulation necrosis of
          categories.  Mild adverse effects include  slight local pain   the tissue. [25,26]  MCT will be more promoted because it not
          at the puncture site,  sensation of heat, bodily uneasiness   only effectively  kills HCC cells, but also  preserves normal liver
          felt during the coagulation process, and   slightly abnormal   tissue   to a great extent. [59]
          results from a blood test such as   mild elevation of blood
          urea nitrogen and creatine levels.   Post-ablation syndrome   Image artifacts must be recognized and carefully distinguished
          can be mild to moderate and   is characterized by fever, chills,   from anatomical structure to   ensure the accuracy of the
          malaise, local pain, and nausea.  Moderate adverse effects   location of the needle tip.  Some issue will be further
          comprise bacterial infection,  diaphragmatic muscle injury,   investigated like the impact of  MCT on the  systemic immunity
          skin burns,  tumor implantation in needle pass, pleuritis,   of the HCC patient.  At present, there are very few   reports
          hydrothorax,  hemothorax,   continuous discharge of necrotic   on the association of MCT used in the treatment of HCC
          tissue,   local implantation of tumor cells, and hematoma under   and  its modification of patients’ systemic immunity. Further
          the hepatic capsule. [57,58]                        investigations into this   topic are warranted.
          However, severe adverse effects happen occasionally during
          and after the procedures of MCT such as  anesthetic accident,   Microwaves can produce very high temperatures in very  short
          colonic leakage,  severe arrhythmia,  damage to the biliary   time intervals. MCT is increasingly used in the treatment of
          tract, abdominal bleeding,  diaphragm injury, acute renal   HCC because it offers several advantages such as greater
          failure, generalized intra-peritoneal seeding of HCC, and   efficacy,   minimal invasiveness,  easy conduction, wider
              serious infection. [59-63]  Severe adverse effects can be fatal and   indications, and   less adverse effects compared to other
          need    emergency treatment to save the patient. [63]
                                                              invasive methods.      Overall, MCT for the treatment of HCC
                                                              is a very promising technique to develop further. Sufficient
          The rate of   side-effects do not differ significantly from other   pre-operative preparation,      mastering the techniques of
          interventions, but significantly more treatment sessions are   operation, and good collaboration between doctors,
          needed with percutaneous microwave coagulation to achieve   nurses, and patients are essential for  enhancing therapeutic
          complete tumor ablation, which theoretically  increases the   outcomes of HCC and reducing  the incidence of side-effects.
          risk of potential side-effects.  Most  adverse effects can     Investigations should be carried out to determine the
          be controlled   with timely and careful management.  Safety   modulation by MCT of both innate and adaptive immunity.
          precautions must be taken to avoid or  reduce the occurrence   Although MCT is still in its infancy, it has great promise for
          of adverse effects  including cautious indication selection,     future use, especially with further improvements in the
          well-designed puncture route, the    appropriate extent of   clinical implementation and technical developments.
          coagulation, and   sufficient peri-operational management. [59,61]
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
            LIMITATIONS AND PERSPECTVES                       Nil.

          It is now proven that MCT is a safe and   effective method   Confl ict of interest
          for the treatment of HCC and the condition of  spontaneous   There is no conflict of interest.

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