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Kościuszko et al. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:51 Hepatoma Research
DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2021.17
Review Open Access
Preoperative planning in paediatric liver tumour
surgery - a literature review
Dominika Kościuszko , Agnieszka Niemirycz-Makurat , Stefan Anzelewicz , Andrzej Gołębiewski , Piotr
Czauderna 1
Department of Surgery and Urology for Children and Adolescents, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk
80-292, Poland.
Department of Radiology Affidea, M. Kopernik Hospital, Copernicus Medical Company Ltd., Gdansk 80-803, Poland.
Correspondence to: Dr. Stefan Anzelewicz, Department of Surgery and Urology for Children and adolescents, Faculty of
Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Nowe Ogrody street 1-6, Gdansk 80-292, Poland.
How to cite this article: Kościuszko D, Niemirycz-Makurat A, Anzelewicz S, Gołębiewski A, Czauderna P. Preoperative planning
in paediatric liver tumour surgery - a literature review. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:51.
Received: 12 Feb 2021 First Decision: 15 Apr 2021 Revised: 30 Apr 2021 Accepted: 26 Apr 2021 First online: 6 Jun 2021
Academic Editor: Guang-Wen Cao Copy Editor: Yue-Yue Zhang Production Editor: Yue-Yue Zhang
Radiological assessment is evolving rapidly, including in paediatric liver tumour surgery. There are advancements in
the fields of conventional radiology, 3D imaging and preoperative planning. This article presents the current
research in paediatric liver imaging for liver tumour surgery and shows the results of a systematic search in
computer-aided liver surgery in children. Sixteen original papers were found. We summarise the progress made
and offer the directions in which further research could go. Computer-assisted surgery is a promising field for
research and clinical application.
Keywords: Paediatric liver tumours, computer-assisted surgery, preoperative planning, paediatric hepatectomy,
In 1998, Marescaux et al. described an astounding attempt to apply virtual reality to liver surgery. The
authors concluded that surgical planning, training and teaching of liver surgery will be possible using virtual
reality concepts. This work has had a significant impact on the development of many new medical
technologies. Above all, it has influenced the imagination of surgeons, engineers and computer scientists
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