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Page 8 of 12               Hiyama et al. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:44

               Table 2. Multivariate Cox regression analysis including all variables for event-free survival of 337 hepatoblastoma patients who
               underwent tumor resection without macroscopically positive resection
                                                                                   95% Confidence
                Variables                            Subcategory   N   Hazard ratio               P value
                Sex                                  Male          194  1          0.54-1.37      0.562
                                                     Female        143  0.87
                Age at diagnosis                     > 1           113   1         0.94-1.90      0.120
                (years)                              1-2           159   1.35      0.75- 2,33     0.378
                                                     3-7           52   1.25       1.78-6.82      < 0.0001
                                                     ≥ 8           13  3.49
                PRETEXT                              I             23   1          0.35-2.14      -
                                                     II            119   0.87      0.28-2.08      0.759
                                                     III           129   0.77      0.35-2.88      0.603
                                                     IV            66  1.02                       0.972
                Co-factors                           P2            24   1.48       0.48-4.48      0.498
                (references: P0-1, V0-1, F0, C0, E0, R0, N0, M0)  V2-3   26   1.06   0.46-2.42    0.893
                                                     F1            57   1.03       0.56-1.92      0.919
                                                     C1            3   3.22        0.68-1.52      0.139
                                                     E1            5   2.84        0.56-3.84      0.129
                                                     R1            25   1.56       0.73-3.31      0.245
                                                     N1-2          5   2.11        0.24-18.94     0.503
                                                     M1            52  2.81        1.63-4.85      < 0.0001
                AFP (ng/mL)                          < 1000        7   1.98        0.46-10.94     0.425
                                                     1000-9999     24   1.36       0.49-3.83      0.555
                                                     10000-99999   57   0.73       0.36-1.53      0.414
                                                     100000-999999   183   1       -              -
                                                     < 100000      66  1.081       0.55-2.13      0.821
                Pathology                            Fetal         131   1         -              0.325
                                                     Others        206 1.30        0.77-2.17
                Surgery                              Non-extended res.   198  1    -              -
                                                     Extended res, LT  122   1.63   0.57-4.66     0.360
                                                                   7   1.03        0.58-1.82      0.918
                Margin                               microMNR      312   1         -              0.016
                                                     microMPR      25  2.31        1.17-4.55
               Res: Resection; Extended res.: extended left or right hepatectomy; LT: liver transplantation; microMNR: microscopically marginal negative
               resection; microMPR: microscopically marginal positive resection.

               ultrasonic knives, which may induce thermal damage to microscopic residual tumor cells at the margin of
               the preserved liver portion . On the other hand, in the present study evaluating the prognostic impact of
               microscopic residual tumor cells, EFS was significantly worse in the patients with microMPR compared to
               those with microMNR (complete resection). EFS was also significantly worse in the patients without
               metastasis. These patients were treated with the same neoadjuvant therapy according to the risk stratified
               groups in JPLT-2. The events that occurred were mainly local recurrence and then lung metastasis,
               suggesting that microscopic residual tumor cells might be directly correlated to complications such as local
               recurrence. On the other hand, OS showed no significant difference between these microMPR and
               microMNR groups, suggesting that the survival of the patients with events such as local recurrence did not
               worsen due to aggressive CTx and additional surgery to treat the recurrence. In our cohort, 11 patients of
               microMPR group were treated by additional surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Consequently, 5
               of them survived. Additional surgery did not seem to contribute to outcome. The malignant grades or
               biological feature of recurrent tumors might be correlated to their outcomes. Consequently, the additional
               chemotherapy led to the increase of total dosage of chemotherapeutic agents. As shown in our previous
               study, the rate of late complications increased significantly with the CTx drug dose . Indeed, one of these
               relapse cases suffered from secondary cancer. Therefore, microscopically positive margins should be
               avoided in HB treatment.
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