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Kato et al. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:10  I                                            Page 3 of 15

               Table 1. Background patient and tumor characteristics
                                     All Cases (n = 57)   AR (n = 23)        NAR (n = 34)       P-value
                Age, years            71 (20-82)          72 (20-82)         71 (54-82)         0.56
                Sex, M/F              42/15               19/4               23/11              0.20
                Liver function
                 TB, mg/dL            0.9 (0.3-1.7)       0.8 (0.8-1.3)      0.9 (0.3-1.7)      0.54
                 Alb, g/dL            4.0 (3.1-5.2)       4.0 (3.6-5.2)      3.9 (3.1-5.0)      0.77
                 AST, IU/L            29 (14-139)         25 (15-69)         35 (14-139)        0.16
                 ALT, IU/L            25 (9-158)          27 (10-82)         25 (9-158)         0.82
                 PT, %                92 (28-134)         92 (28-127)        93 (60-134)        0.92
                 PC, × 10 /mm 3       13.3 (5.2-23.5)     14.4 (6.9-23.5)    12.1 (5.2-23.1)    0.03 #
                 ICGR15, %            14.4 (2.6-82.4)     13.1 (3.6-22.6)    19.1 (2.6-82.4)    0.02 #
                 Liver cirrhosis (n)  54% (31)            35% (8)            68% (23)           0.01 #
                Tumor characteristics
                 Tumor size, cm       2.1 (0.6-12.5)      2.5 (0.7-12.5)     1.8 (0.6-10.0)     0.002 #
                 Tumor number         1 (1-6)             1 (1-6)            1 (1-5)            0.53
                 Difficult segments (n)  53% (31)         65% (15)           47% (16)           0.17
                 AFP (ng/mL)          7.3 (2.0-5811.0)    4.8 (2.0-5811.0)   8.2 (2.0-2041.0)   0.33
                 DCP (mAU/mL)         26 (10-95560)       35 (11-30899)      23 (10-95560)      0.11
                 Recurrent tumors (n)  37% (21)           30% (7)            25% (14)           0.41
                UICC Stage
                 IA, IB               32                  10                 22
                 II                   19                  9                  10                 0.03 #
                 IIIA, IIIB           4                   4                  0
                 IVA, IVB             2                   0                  2

               AR: anatomic resection; NAR: non-anatomic resection; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; TB: serum total bilirubin level; Alb: serum
               albumin level; AST: serum asparatate aminotransferase level; ALT: serum alanine aminotransferase level; PT: prothrombin time; PC:
               serum platelet count; ICGR 15: indocyanine green retention rate at 15 min; Difficult segments: segments I, VII or VIII; AFP: alpha-feto
               protein; DCP: des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin; UICC Stage: Tumor stages based on the Union for International Cancer Control TNM
               classification;  P < 0.05

               biliary structures needing to be reconstructed. We selected open surgery for centrally located tumors of 10 cm
               or larger with suspected invasion of the major hepatic veins. Between LLR and RLR, we do not have
               selection criteria. However, cases needing the extirpation of portal vein tumor thrombi were assigned to
               open or robotic approach only. Moreover, in cases where PVTT was not limited to the ipsilateral first-order
               portal vein branch, we selected open surgery.

               During this study period, in contrast to LLR, RLR was not covered by national insurance and was
               performed at patients’ own expense in our institute. This economic standpoint, along with the availability
               of the machine in the hospital, affected the selection of the resection approach in this study.

               Selection of hepatectomy procedures or hepatectomy itself with regard to hepatic functional reserve and
               remnant liver volume was performed in the same way in open, laparoscopic and robotic approaches. In
               cases where severe adhesion was anticipated because of repeat liver resections, we chose the approaches
               depending on the number and types of previous liver resections, location and size of the tumor, and
               preoperative image findings.

               Patient characteristics
               The characteristics of the 57 HCC cases treated with RLR are shown in Table 1. Briefly, the median
               patient age at the time of surgery was 71 years, and the majority of patients were male (n = 42; 74%). The
               hepatic functional reserve of all cases was Child-Pugh class A. The median serum levels of preoperative
               total bilirubin (TB), albumin (Alb), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
               prothrombin time (PT), and platelet count (PC) were 0.9 mg/dL, 4.0 g/dL, 24 IU/L, 25 IU/L, 92%, and
               13.3 × 10 /mm , respectively. The median indocyanine green (ICG) retention rate at 15 min (ICGR15) was
               14.4%. Liver cirrhosis was diagnosed in 31 patients by postoperative pathologic examination (54%).
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