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Dai et al. Hepatoma Res 2020;6:16  I                                                     Page 3 of 9

               Table 1. Basic characteristics and treatment regimens of the patients with or without HCC
                                              All patients (n = 1237)  Non-HCC (n = 1113)  HCC (n = 124)  P value
               Male gender, n (%)                 542 (43.8)        477 (42.9)      65 (52.4)     0.04
               Age, years (mean ± SD)             61.8 ± 11.8       61.1 ± 11.8     68.5 ± 9.4    < 0.001
               Body weight, kg (mean ± SD)        63.7 ± 12.4       64.0 ± 12.5     61.0 ± 10.7   0.005
               Diabetes, n (%)                    273 (22.1)        244 (21.9)      29 (23.4)     0.71
               Hypertension, n (%)                502 (40.6)        446 (40.1)      56 (45.2)     0.27
               Platelet count, × 1000/mm (mean ± SD)  170 ± 70      173 ± 68        144 ± 84      < 0.001
               AST, IU/L (mean ± SD)              68.4 ± 48.0       67.1 ± 45.6     79.6 ± 49.9   0.009
               ALT, IU/L (mean ± SD)              77.6 ± 64.4       77.7 ± 65.3     76.8 ± 56.4   0.88
               Serum albumin, g/dL (mean ± SD)    4.3 ± 0.4         4.3 ± 0.4       4.0 ± 0.5     < 0.001
               Serum bilirubin, mg/dL (mean ± SD)  1.0 ± 0.5        1.0 ± 0.5       1.1 ± 0.6     0.009
               FIB-4 (mean ± SD)                  3.80 ± 3.47       3.60 ± 3.39     5.62 ± 3.71   < 0.001
               HCV RNA, log IU/mL                 5.65 ± 1.01       5.67 ± 1.01     5.49 ± 0.99   0.06
               HCV genotype, n (%)
                 1                                923 (74.6)        824 (74.0)      99 (79.8)     0.16
                 Non-1                            314 (25.4)        289 (26.0)      25 (20.0)
               Liver cirrhosis, n (%)             597 (48.3)        516 (46.4)      81 (65.3)     < 0.001
                 Decompensation, n (%)            28 (4.7)          20 (3.9)        8 (9.9)       0.04
               Prior treatment experienced*, n (%)  335 (27.1)      286 (25.7)      49 (39.5)     0.001
               HBsAg (+), n (%)                   83 (6.7)          74 (6.6)        9 (7.3)       0.8
               HIV (+), n (%)                     19 (1.5)
               PWID                                                                               0.64
                Past usage                        31 (2.5)          29 (2.6)        2 (1.6)
                Current usage                     4 (0.3)           4 (0.4)         0 (0)
               Regimen, n (%)                                                                     0.03
               PrOD ± RBV                         423 (34.2)        370 (33.2)      53 (42.7)
               SOF/LDV ± RBV                      338 (27.3)        309 (27.8)      29 (23.4)
               SOF/DCV ± RBV                      122 (9.9)         105 (9.4)       17 (13.7)
                 ELB/GRZ                          157 (12.7)        141 (12.7)      16 (12.9)
                 GLE/PIB                          193 (15.6)        184 (16.5)      9 (7.3)
                 SOF/VEL                          4 (0.3)           4 (0.4)         0 (0)
               Sustained virological response, n (%)  1223 (98.9)   1101 (98.9)     122 (98.4)    0.64
               AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; FIB-4: fibrosis-4 index; HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen; PWID:
               patients who inject drugs; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; PrOD: Paritaprevir/ritonavir/Ombitasvir/Dasabuvir; DCV: Daclatasvir;
               SOF: Sofosbuvir; LDV: Ledipasvir; ELB: Elbasvir; GRZ: Grazoprevir; VEL: Velpatasvir; GLE: Glecaprevir; PIB: Pibrentasvir; RBV: ribavirin;
               HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma. *All interferon-based therapy

               The primary outcome was treatment efficacy defined as undetectable HCV RNA at the 12-week follow-up
               period after completing the anti-HCV therapy (SVR12). Only patients with available SVR12 were enrolled
               for final analysis.

               The HCV RNA and HCV genotypes were tested by using real-time PCR assay (RealTime HCV; Abbott
               Molecular, Des Plaines IL, USA; with the detection limit: 12 IU/mL)  defined by any of the following: liver
               histology , transient elastography (FibroScan®; Echosens, Paris, France) > 12 kPa , acoustic radiation
               force impulse (> 1.98 m/s) , fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4, > 6.5)  and/or the presence of clinical, radiological,
               endoscopic, or laboratory evidence of cirrhosis and/or portal hypertension.
               Statistical analyses
               Frequency was compared between groups using the χ  test with the Yates correction or Fisher’s exact test.
               Group means (presented as the mean standard deviation) were compared using analysis of variance and
               Student’s t-test or the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test when appropriate. The fibrosis-4 score (FIB-4)
               was calculated as age (years) × AST (U/L)/{platelets (10 /L) × [alanine transaminase (ALT) (U/L)]} . The
               statistical analyses were performed by using the SPSS 12.0 statistical package (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). All
               the statistical analyses were based on two-sided hypothesis tests with a significance level of P < 0.05.
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