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Ayoub et al.                                                                                                                                    Nucleos(t)ide therapy for hepatitis B impacts HCC incidence

           that no significant difference exists between agents in   (RR 0.46; 95%CI 0.32-0.68; P < 0.001) in these
           preventing HCC even in patients who were rescued   patients [41] . Clearly, surgical and medical treatment of
           after development of lamivudine resistance.        CHB improves mortality due to HCC and reduces its
           A recent Greek analysis compared a cohort of patients
           treated with entecavir (n = 321), for a median duration   LIMITATIONS OF THE HCC PREDICTOR
           of 40 months to a matched cohort of patients (n = 818),   MODELS
           initially treated with lamivudine for a median duration
           of 60 months. Using multivariable Cox regression
           analysis, risk of HCC was independently associated   Several HCC risk calculators have been proposed
           with male gender (P = 0.011), older age (P < 0.001),   including the REACH-B based on a Taiwanese
           and cirrhosis (P = 0.025); HCC risk was not associated   population, the Chinese-University-Hepatocellular
           with the choice of agent used, at least for the first 5   carcinoma score (CU-HCC) score  , and the GAG-
           years [36] . In a Taiwanese population-based cohort   HCC score, which incorporates age, gender, HBV
           study, 1,544 patients with active hepatitis due to HBV   DNA, presence of core promoter mutations and
           taking lamivudine, entecavir, tenofovir, or telbivudine   cirrhosis  . These models were developed in Asians
           over an 8-year period were evaluated for HCC risk and   and the application to other populations is unclear,
           risk of mortality. For the propensity score matching,   though one study showed good performance in
           patients not treated with NAs (n = 1,544), were selected   non-Asians  . The platelet, age, gender (PAGE-B
           as the comparison group. As mentioned previously,   score is based on platelet, age and gender and was
           the treated cohort had a significantly lower rate of HCC   developed to assess risk of HCC in Caucasians.
           occurrence (6.0%; 95%CI 4.4%-7.9%) compared to the   Another limitation of these models is that they do not
           cohort not treated with NAs (8.5%; 95%CI 6.6%-10.6%;   include a liver fibrosis assessment such as transient
           P = 0.0025). Overall mortality rate for the treated   elastography. In addition, some models like the CU-
           cohort was 6.9% (95%CI 5.3%-8.7%) compared to      HCC included 15% of HBV treated patients rather
           9.4% for the untreated cohort (95%CI 7.7%-11.3%) (P   than all treatment naïve patients. It is questionable
           = 0.0003). Cox regression analyses demonstrated that   whether the HCC risk predictor models can be used
           use of NAs use significantly reduced the risk of HCC   in patients on HBV therapy, as therapy leads to viral
           (HR 0.64; 95%CI 0.45-0.93; P = 0.017) and overall   suppression and may lead to fibrosis regression.
           mortality (HR 0.58; 95%CI 0.43-0.79; P < 0.001) [37] .   In addition, the absence of the degree of HBV viral
                                                              suppression in some models is a major limitation of
           Finally, there is new evidence that treatment of CHB   the risk calculators [35] .
           reduces mortality related to HCC and HCC recurrence
           in patients undergoing curative treatments   [38] .   CONCLUSION
           Huang et al. [38]  demonstrated antiviral therapy after
           liver resection to be an independent protective    In patients with CHB, successful treatment can
           factor of late tumor recurrence (HR 0.348). Similar   reduce but not eliminate the risk of developing
           results were reported by Yin et al. [39]  In a randomized   HCC, regardless of the presence or absence of
           controlled trial, antiviral therapy reduced both tumor   cirrhosis. Treatment of CHB can reverse fibrosis as
           recurrence (HR 0.48) and HCC-related death (0.26).   demonstrated by studies involving the third-generation
           In a study of Taiwanese patients undergoing resection   NAs tenofovir and entecavir, which have a high genetic
           (n = 4,569), those who received NA had significantly   barrier to resistance. Additionally, growing evidence
           lower recurrence rate at 6 years compared to patients   supports that treatment of CHB reduces recurrence
           not treated with NAs (45.6% vs. 54.6% respectively) (P   rates of HCC and HCC-related mortality in CHB
           < 0.001). Additionally, the NA-treated group had lower   patients who received curative treatments for HCC.
           mortality overall at 6 years (29% vs. 42.4%) (P < 0.001) [40] .
           In a recent meta-analysis including 8,204 patients   Most data regarding chemoprevention is derived
           status-post curative resection of HCC, high viral load   from studies using lamivudine and this significantly
           was significantly associated with increased risk of   limits interpretation of the data. It is possible that the
           recurrence, poorer disease-free survival and overall   chemopreventative effect is more pronounced with the
           survival of HBV-related HCC after surgical resection.   long term use of entecavir and tenofovir, which have a
           However, NA therapy significantly decreased the    much lower risk of resistance with prolonged use when
           recurrence risk (RR 0.69; 95%CI 0.59-0.80; P <     compared to lamivudine. Most of the studies evaluating
           0.001) and improved both disease-free (RR 0.70;    the effect of chemoprevention are retrospective in
           95%CI 0.58-0.83; P < 0.001) and overall survival   nature, which is another major limitation. In other

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