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Ayoub et al.                                                                                                                                    Nucleos(t)ide therapy for hepatitis B impacts HCC incidence

           the incidence of HCC is vaccination against HBV. A   the western world and Asia; the 5-year cumulative
           recent analysis of two Taiwanese HCC registries of   incidences of HCC in Asia among inactive carriers
           1,509 patients diagnosed with HCC from 1983-2011   and those with compensated cirrhosis are 1% and
           demonstrated an incidence per 10  person-years     17%, respectively. In Europe and the United States,
           of 0.92 in the unvaccinated cohort and 0.23 in the   those incidences are 0.1% and 10% . A recent meta-
           vaccinated cohort . Another appealing strategy to   analysis evaluated 66 studies with a total of 347,859
           decrease the incidence of HCC in patients with chronic   patients using multivariate regression analysis, and
           hepatitis B is inhibition of viral replication. In the   after adjusting for age, there were no significant
           seminal study by Liaw et al. , the chemopreventive   differences in HCC incidence between Western and
           effect of nucleos(t)ides was first suggested as the   European studies. The analysis showed that age,
           suppression of HBV replication led to decreased rates   symptomatic carrier status, chronic hepatitis, or
           of cirrhosis, liver failure, and the development of HCC.   compensated cirrhosis were the greatest risk factors
                                                              for development of HCC when compared to inactive
           THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HBV AND                   carriers .
                                                              GOALS OF HBV THERAPY
           Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) stimulates the immune
           system to release cytokines and reactive oxygen    There are 7 drugs currently approved for the treatment
           species, which cause damage to genes, results in   of CHB and they can be divided into 2 groups. The
           cell death and initiates a cascade of fibrosis. As a   immune-modulators include pegylated interferon
           result, the hepatocyte cell cycle is accelerated and   alfa-2a and interferon alfa-2b. The NA are oral
           leads to accumulation of genetic alterations, which   medications, which include lamivudine, telbivudine,
           leads to malignant transformation of hepatocytes . In   adefovir, tenofovir and entecavir. The oral agents have
           addition, HBV integrates into the host DNA where it   a better side effect profile and thus, most patients
           modifies the expression of certain oncogenes. Certain   are treated with oral therapy. Goals of treating CHB
           mutations have been implicated in contributing to   in the short term include suppressing replication
           a higher incidence of HCC. These include the HBV   with induction of hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg)
           protein known as HBx, infection with HBV genotype C,   seroconversion in patients with HBeAg-positive CHB
           the hepatitis B genome mutations pre-S deletions and   and normalization of alanine aminotransferase. In
           core promoter mutations (V1735, T1762 and A1764) [4,5] .   the long term, the goal is to achieve seroconversion
           Another risk factor is the level of the hepatitis B   of HBsAg to hepatitis B surface antibody. However,
           surface antigen (HBsAg) titer. Levels of HBsAg that   HBsAg seroconversion is not common with currently
           are greater than 1,000 IU/mL may independently     available therapies. It is seen in 1% and 1.5% of
           predict increased risk for developing HCC in Asians   patients after 52 weeks of lamivudine or telbivudine
           in HBeAg negative patients with low HBV viral load .   therapy respectively. Furthermore, 5 years of adefovir
           One retrospective study examined the cumulative    therapy results in HBsAg loss in only 3% of patients.
           probability of HCC development over time despite   The rates of HBsAg seroconversion are slightly better
           long-term nucleos(t)ide analog (NA) therapy. The study   with entecavir and tenonfovir. Ninety-six weeks of
           included treatment-naive CHB patients (n = 524) who   entecavir results in 5% seroconversion rate and 4
           received treatment with NAs between January 2003   years of tenofovir yields a 10% seroconversion rate.
           and December 2007 for longer than 48 weeks. The    The best HBsAg seroconversion rate (15%) is seen
           study revealed a cumulative probability of developing   after 72 weeks of treatment with pegylated interferon
           HCC at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of 0.2%, 1.8%, 3.6%,   alfa-2a and lamivudine [10-12] . Although seroconversion
           5.8%, and 9.3% respectively. In multivariate analysis,   of HBsAg doesn’t occur frequently, multiple studies
           age greater than 50 years [hazard ratio (HR) 1.05],   show that treatment favorably impacts fibrosis, survival
           family history of HCC (HR 5.48), and the presence   and reduces HCC development in patients who are
           of cirrhosis (HR 17.16) were significant predictors of   treated for CHB.
           HCC development. Importantly, maintaining a virologic
           response or HBV DNA < 20 IU/mL for longer than 12   The first nucleoside approved for the treatment of HBV
           months reduced the risk of HCC development (HR     was lamivudine. However, development of resistance
           0.09) . These studies suggest that persistent HBV   with prolonged treatment has limited its use. After 5
           viral replication and subsequent liver injury are major   years of therapy, resistance is reported to be as high
           risk factors for developing HCC.                   as 75% [13] . Telbivudine and adefovir have a moderate
                                                              genetic barrier to resistance and are considered to
           The incidence of HBV-related HCC varies between    be are second line therapies. Currently, entecavir and

                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 20, 2017                               303
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