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Ayoub et al.                                                                                                                                    Nucleos(t)ide therapy for hepatitis B impacts HCC incidence

           tenofovir are first line agents for treating CHB because   reported rates of HCC of 3.5% in lamivudine-treated
           they have such a high barrier to resistance. Many   CHB patients compared to 9.6% in CHB patients who
           studies with nucleos(t)ide therapy have confirmed   were not treated, over a period of 4 years [18] .
           a decrease in the rate of HCC in treated patients,
           regardless of the strength of the proposed treatment’s   Entecavir and tenofovir
           barrier to resistance.                             The introduction of the third generation NAs, tenofovir
                                                              and entecavir, which both have a high genetic barrier
           TREATMENT OF HBV AND HCC                           to resistance, has led to further decreases in HCC
                                                              incidence. A retrospective study comparing the
                                                              incidence of HCC in entecavir-treated patients to a
           Antiviral therapy with NAs and interferon can improve   historical cohort of lamivudine-treated patients without
           liver fibrosis and suppress HBV viral replication, which   rescue therapy in the event of resistance development
           leads to decreased HCC incidence in patients with
           CHB  [14] . Most of the studies describing the impact of   was conducted in Japan. Propensity score matching
           treating CHB on the incidence of liver cancer evaluated   was used to eliminate baseline differences and the
           the first generation drugs, specifically lamivudine   authors found that entecavir-treated patients had a
           and adefovir. There is less available data regarding   lower 5-year cumulative incidence of HCC compared
           the effect of the 3rd generation drugs, tenofovir and   to historical controls (3.7% vs. 13.7%, P < 0.001).
           entecavir. One recent meta-analysis of patients    The benefit of treatment was seen mainly in cirrhotic
           with HBsAg seroclearance (n = 34,952) showed a     patients, 7% in the entecavir group vs. 39% in historic
           significantly decreased risk for developing HCC in   controls (P = 0.049) compared to the non-cirrhotic
           comparison to those with who did not seroconvert [risk   group, and 3.3% in the entecavir vs. 3% in controls
                                                                         . In an observational study conducted by
           ratio (RR) 0.34, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.20-  (P > 0.05)  [20]
           0.56, P < 0.001], but among those who seroconverted,   Wong et al.  , there was also decreased incidence of
           2.29% (95%CI: 1.19-4.37) still developed HCC [15] .  HCC with entecavir treatment compared to historical
                                                              controls, also significant only in cirrhotic patients
           Adefovir and lamivudine                            (13.8% vs. 26.4%, P = 0.049). A similar observational
           Liaw et al.  published the only randomized clinical   study by Su  et al.   of patients with cirrhosis
           trial that addresses the benefits of using lamivudine   demonstrated 5 year cumulative HCC incidence of
           in CHB patients with cirrhosis or advanced fibrosis   26.4% in the untreated historical cohort and 11.3% in
           proven by biopsy. Compared to the placebo group,   the treated cohort with entecavir resulting in reduction
           the lamivudine group had a significant reduction in   of HCC risk by approximately 60% (HR 0.40, 95%CI
           HCC, 7.4% vs. 3.9% respectively (HR 0.49, P = 0.047).   0.28-0.57). In another propensity score-matched
           Additionally, the group treated with lamivudine had a   study of Japanese patients (n = 234), Kumada et al. [22]
           nearly 50% reduction in progression of disease (7.8%   determined that entecavir therapy significantly reduced
           vs. 17.7%, HR 0.45, P = 0.001). As a result of the   HCC incidence; the 5- and 10-year cumulative
           significant difference found between the 2 arms, the   incidence of HCC were 11.3% and 40% in untreated
           study was stopped prematurely after a mean duration   controls, respectively, compared to 2.7% and 3.3% in
           of 32.4 months.                                    patients treated with entecavir. Long-term entecavir
                                                              treatment has been shown to reduce fibrosis by
           The advantages of using the first-generation NAs to   more than 1 point by the Ishak fibrosis score in 88%
           reduce HCC risk has since been supported in meta-  of patients who were treated for 6 years [23] . A large
           analyses and systematic reviews. In a meta-analysis   retrospective study of Taiwanese patients (n = 21,595),
           evaluating 5 studies that compared oral treatment   assessed a cohort of NA-treated patients and a cohort
           to placebo, treatment with NAs was associated with   of patients receiving hepatoprotective agents, but no
           78% reduced incidence of HCC (RR 0.22, P < 0.001)   NA treatment matched by propensity score. The 7-year
           irrespective of cirrhosis. Treatment with NAs has   incidence of HCC was significantly lower in the cohort
           also been shown to benefit patients who developed   treated with NA (7.3%), compared to the non-NA
           treatment resistance (NA 3.3% vs. control 6.4%, RR   treated cohort (22.7%) (adjusted HR 0.37; P < 0.001).
           0.52, P = 0.04) [16] . Similar results were reported in a   In this study, the benefits of NA therapy were noted
           systematic review that assesses adefovir, lamivudine,   among patients without (HR 0.27) cirrhosis in addition
           and the combination of both vs. placebo in 3,881 CHB   to patients with cirrhosis (HR 0.72) [24] .
           patients naive to treatment with NAs. Over a period
           of 42 months, HCC incidence was lower in treated   A recent retrospective study conducted in Canada
           patients (2.8%) compared to patients who were not   utilized the REACH-B scoring system to evaluate
           treated (6.4%; P = 0.003) [17] . Another meta-analysis   the risk of developing HCC among patients treated

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