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Ding et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:7  I   Page 3 of 13

               position error and the velocity error are used to reflect the consistency of MASs, then the consensus tracking
               problem of MASs can be transformed into the stability problem of the tracking error system  (2) Coping with
               the effect of the fading channel between followers, the incomplete fading information received by the agent is
               introduced into the controller design  (3) An online estimation strategy is employed to estimate the unknown
               and time-varying attacks, based on which, an adaptive sliding mode controller is designed to attenuate the
               effect of the attacks on MASs  and (4) The distributed adaptive SMC strategy is designed to ensure the mean
               square consistency of MASs, despite the communication constraints.

               Notation: R and R   ×    mean the    dimension Euclidean space and the    ×    real matrix set. The symbol |·|
               denotes the Euclidean norm and ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. Denote sgn(  ) the sign symbolic function,
               1    = [1, 1, · · · , 1] , 0    = [0, 0, · · · , 0] .
               2. PROBLEM FORMULATION

               2.1. Graph theory
               Graph theory is an important tool to study MASs, which is a graph composed of several nodes and edges
               connecting the node. Each agent can be represented as a node, and the information interaction between
               agents can be denoted as an edge in graph theory. A directed weighted graph is represented by    = {V, E}.
               For MASs with one leader and    agents, the node-set V = {   1 ,    2 , · · · ,       } indicates the set of all points on
               the graph and E = {(  ,   ),   ,    ∈ V,    ≠   } represents the set of all edges.    = [        ] ∈ R   ×    is a non-negatively
               weighted adjacency matrix. If         > 0, it means that agent    can receive information from agent   ; conversely, if
                       = 0, agent    cannot receive information from agent   . Define the matrix    = diag(   1 ,    2 , · · · ,       ) to denote
               the communication between the leader and all followers, and the degree matrix    = [        ] with         =          .
               So, we can obtain the Laplace matrix    = [        ] as:
                                                           =    −   .                                   (1)
                                                        Í             ,    =   ,
                                                          =    =1                                       (2)
                                                        −        ,     ≠   .
               Lemma 1 [35]  The matrix    +    is invertible if the directed graph    has a directed spanning tree.

               Definition 1 Consider a multi-agent system with    agents and let       (  ) represent the state of agent   . If
                        →∞ k      (  ) −       (  )k = 0, for all   ,    = 1, 2, · · · ,   , it is said that the multi-agent system can reach a con-
               sensus. Furthermore, if there exists a leader whose state is    0 (  ), then          →∞ k      (  ) −    0 (  )k = 0, for all
                 ,    = 1, 2, · · · ,   , means the tracking consensus is achieved.

               2.2.System model
               Consider a second-order MASs consisting of a leader labeled as node 0 and    followers indexed by    ∈
               {1, 2, · · · ,   }, and the   th follower’s dynamic is given as:

                                                        ¤       (  ) =       (  ),                      (3)
                                                        ¤       (  ) =       (  ),
               where       (  ) ∈ R ,       (  ) ∈ R ,       (  ) ∈ R represent the   th follower’s position, velocity and the control input,
               respectively. According to equation (3), it is obvious that we are focused on double integrators.
               The leader’s dynamic is of the following form:

                                                        ¤    0 (  ) =    0 (  ),                        (4)
                                                       ¤    0 (  ) =    0 (  ),
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