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Page 56                                                          Olivera et al. Cancer Drug Resist 2019;2:53-68 I

               Table 1. Summary of the recommendations provided in CPIC and DPWG guidelines for drugs employed in oncology
                                                 Reference    Risk
                Drug          Gene       SNP     genotype   genotype          Guideline recommendation
                Azathioprine,                                         CPIC [17-19]
                Thioguanine #
                             TPMT   rs1800462   CC       CG, GG       Any Heterozygote, including 1/*3A (both risk variants
                                    rs1800584   CC       CT, TT       located in the same allele): Consider a reduction starting
                                    rs1142345   TT       TC, CC       at 30%-80% of the normal starting dose (if normal
                                    rs1800460   CC       CT, TT       starting dose is equal or higher than 75 mg/m /day, or
                                                                      equal or higher than 1.5 mg/kg/day in Mercaptopurine,
                                                                      and 2-3 mg/kg/day in Azathioprine). In the case of
                                                                      Thioguanine, start with 50%-80% of normal dose if it is
                                                                      equal or higher than 40-60 mg/m /day. Allow 2-4 weeks
                                                                      to reach steady state after each dose adjustment
                                                                      Any Homozygote, plus multiple heterozygotes in *2, *3B
                                                                      and *4, that is an individual carrying two non functional
                                                                      alleles: Consider alternative agents. If not possible,
                                                                      start with a daily dose reduction 10 times and three
                                                                      times a week. Adjust the dose according to the degree
                                                                      of myelosuppression and the specific patterns of the
                                                                      disease. Allow 4-6 weeks to reach a steady state after
                                                                      each dose adjustment
                             NUDT15  rs116855232  CC     CT, TT       For CT follow the same recommendation as for
                                                                      Heterozygotes in TPMT. For TT, follow the same
                                                                      recommendation as for TPMT Homozygotes, except for
                                                                      Thioguanine, where the reduction should be to 25%
                                                                      DPWG [6]
                                                                      Any Heterozygote: Select alternative drug or reduce
                                                                      dose by 50%. Increase dose in response of hematologic
                                                                      monitoring efficacy
                                                                      Homozygotes or combination of two or more
                                                                      Heterozygotes: Select alternative drug or reduce dose
                                                                      by 90%. Increase dose in response of hematologic
                                                                      monitoring efficacy
                Capecitabine,                                         CPIC/DPWG [6,20,21]
                Fluorouracil #                                        Other variants are included in the DPWG guideline, but
                                                                      they are extremely rare [6]
                             DPYD   rs3918290   CC       CT, TT       CT: Reduce dose by 50%. TT: Change to alternative
                                    rs55886062  AA       AC, CC       AC: Reduce dose by 50%. CC: Change to alternative
                                    rs3918290+   CC + AA  CT, TT + AC, CC  Change to alternative agents
                                    rs67376798  TT       AT, AA       Reduce dose by 50%
                                    rs67376798+   TT + CC  AT, AA + CT, TT  Change to alternative agents
                                    rs67376798+   TT + AA  AT, AA + AC, CC  Change to alternative agents
                                    rs75017182  GG       CG, CC       Reduce dose by 50%.
                                    rs75017182+   GG + CC  CG, CC + CT, TT  Change to alternative agents
                                    rs75017182+   GG + AA  CG, CC + AC, CC  Change to alternative agents
                Tegafur                                               DPWG [6]
                             DPYD   rs3918290   CC       CT, TT       Homozygotes for any Risk genotype or combination of
                                                                      two heterozygotes: select alternative drug. Fluorouracil or
                                                                      capecitabine are not suitable alternatives because both
                                                                      are also metabolized by DPD. Other variants are included
                                                                      in the guideline, but they are extremely rare . Tegafur has
                                                                      no longer recommendations from CPIC based on DPYD
                                                                      genotype. This is due to limited evidence regarding the
                                                                      impact of DPYD variants on tegafur toxicity risk
                                    rs72549303  G/G      G/del, del/del
                                    rs72549309  ATGA/ATGA ATGA/del, del/del

                                    rs1801266   GG       AG, AA
                                    rs72549306  CC       AC, AA
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