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Olivera et al. Cancer Drug Resist 2019;2:53-68 I                                                        Page 57

                                    rs80081766+   CC     CT, TT + AC, AA
                                    rs55886062  CC       AC, AA
                                    rs1801265   AA       AG, GG
                                    rs1801268   CC       AC, AA
                Irinotecan                                            DPWG [6]
                             UGT1A1  rs8175347   (TA)6/  (TA)7/(TA)7  Dose > 250 mg/m : reduce initial dose by 30%. Increase
                                                (TA)6                 dose in response to neutrophil count. Dose ≤ 250 mg/m :
                                                (TA)6/                no dose adjustment
                Ondansetron #                                         CPIC [21]
                             CYP2D6  -          PM, IM, NM UM: *1/*1xN,   Select alternative drug not predominantly metabolized by
                                                         *1/*2xN, *2/*2xN CYP2D6 (i.e., granisetron)
                Oxycodone                                             DPWG [6]
                             CYP2D6             NM       PM: two inactive   Select alternative drug (not tramadol or codeine) or be
                                                         alleles (*3-*8, *11- alert to insufficient efficacy
                                                         *16, *19-*21, *38,
                                                         *40, *42); IM: two
                                                         alleles (*9, *10, *17,
                                                         *29, *36, *41) or
                                                         carrying one active
                                                         (*1, *2, *33, *35)
                                                         and one inactive
                                                         allele, or carrying
                                                         one decreased-
                                                         activity allele and
                                                         one inactive allele
                                                         UM: gene     Select alternative drug (not tramadol or codeine) or be
                                                         duplication in   alert to ADEs
                                                         absence of inactive
                                                         (*3-*8, *11-*16,
                                                         *19-*21, *38, *40,
                                                         *42) or decreased-
                                                         activity (*9, *10,
                                                         *17, *29, *36, *41)
                Tamoxifen                                             CPIC [22]
                                                                      More alleles exist, these are the most common [22]
                             CYP2D6  -          -        UM: *1/*1xN,   Avoid moderate and strong CYP2D6 inhibitors. Initiate
                                                         *1/*2xN, *2/*2xN therapy with recommended standard of care dosing
                                                                      (tamoxifen 20 mg/day)
                                    -           -        NM: *1/*1, *1/*2,   Avoid moderate and strong CYP2D6 inhibitors. Initiate
                                                         *1/*9, *1/*41,   therapy with recommended standard of care dosing
                                                         *2/*2        (tamoxifen 20 mg/day)
                                    -           -        NM or IM     Consider hormonal therapy such as an aromatase
                                                         (controversy   inhibitor for postmenopausal women or aromatase
                                                         remains): *1/*4,   inhibitor along with ovarian function suppression in
                                                         *1/*5, *41/*41;   premenopausal women. If aromatase inhibitor use is
                                                         *4/*10, *4/*41,   contraindicated, consideration should be given to use a
                                                         *5/*9; *10/*10,   higher but FDA approved tamoxifen dose (40 mg/day).
                                                         *10/*41      Avoid CYP2D6 strong to weak inhibitors
                                    -           -        PM: *3/*4, *4/*4,  Recommend alternative hormonal therapy such as
                                                         *5/*5, *5/*6  an aromatase inhibitor for postmenopausal women
                                                                      or aromatase inhibitor along with ovarian function
                                                                      suppression in premenopausal women given that
                                                                      these approaches are superior to tamoxifen regardless
                                                                      of CYP2D6 genotype and based on knowledge that
                                                                      CYP2D6 poor metabolizers switched from tamoxifen to
                                                                      anastrozole do not have an increased risk of recurrence.
                                                                      Note, higher dose tamoxifen (40 mg/day) increases but
                                                                      does not normalize endoxifen concentrations and can be
                                                                      considered if there are contraindications to aromatase
                                                                      inhibitor therapy
                                                                      DPWG [6]
                                    -           -        PM: see      Increased risk for relapse of breast cancer. Consider
                                                         description in   aromatase inhibitor for postmenopausal women
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