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           Editor-in-Chief                   Stergios Boussios                 William Gmeiner
                                             Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine,   Department of Cancer Biology, Wake
           Godefridus J. Peters              King's College London, London, UK.  Forest University School of Medicine,
           Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer                              Winston-Salem, USA.
           Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the   Claudio Cerchione
           Netherlands.                      Hematology Unit, Istituto Scientifico   Michael M Gottesman
                                             Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei   Laboratory of Cell Biology, Center for
           Co-Editor-in-Chief                Tumori (IRST) IRCCS, Meldola, Italy.  Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
                                                                               National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
           Yehuda G. Assaraf                 Zhesheng Chen                     USA.
           Department of Biology, Technion-Israel   Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, St.
           Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.  John’s University, Queens, USA.  Alessandro Granito
                                                                               IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
           Associate Editors                 Liang Cheng                       di Bologna, Department of Medical and
                                             Department of Pathology and Laboratory   Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), University of
           Wafik El-Deiry                    Medicine, Brown University Health,   Bologna, Italy.
           Legorreta Cancer Center, Brown    Providence, USA.
           University, Providence, RI, USA.                                    Sanjay Gupta
                                             William C Cho                     Department of Urologic Oncology, Case
           Liwu Fu                           Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen   Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
           State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South   Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong, China.  USA.
           China, Collaborative Innovation Center of
           Cancer Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University   Mario Cioce               Dominique Heymann
           Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China.  Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and   Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest, Tumour
                                             Biotechnology, University Campus Bio-  Heterogeneity and Precison Medicine
           Elisa Giovannetti                 Medico of Rome, Rome, Italy.      Laboratory, Saint-Herblain, France.
           Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer
           Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the   Jacqueline Cloos                 Yi Huang
           Netherland.                       Department of Hematology, VU University   Department of Internal Medicine,
                                             Medical Center, Amsterdam, the    University of Iowa Carver College of
           Paola Perego                      Netherlands.                      Medicine, Iowa City, USA.
           Department of Applied Research and
           Technological Development, Fondazione   Paul Dent                   Zhiqing Huang
           IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori,   Department of Biochemistry and Molecular   Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
           Milan, Italy.                     Biology, Virginia Commonwealth    Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
                                             University, Richmond, USA.        USA.
           Chiara Riganti
           Department of Oncology, University of   Changming Dong              Thomas E. Hutson
           Torino, Torino, Italy.            School of Chemistry & Chemical    Hematology and Medical Oncology, UC
                                             Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong   Davis Health, Sacramento, USA.
           Hailin Tang                       University, Shanghai, China.
           Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center,                               Gerrit Jansen
           Guangzhou, China.                 Thomas Efferth                    Department of Rheumatology and Clinical
                                             Institute of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical   Immunology, Amsterdam University
           Editorial Board Members           Sciences, Johannes Gutenberg University,   Medical Center, Location VUmc,
                                             Mainz, Germany.                   Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
           Suresh V. Ambudkar
           Laboratory of Cell Biology, Center for   Marco Falasca              Dexin Kong
           Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,    Curtin Health Innovation Research   School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tianjin
           Bethesda, USA.                    Institute, Curtin University, Perth,   Medical University, Tianjin, China.
           Farrukh Aqil                                                        Hang Fai Kwok
           Brown Cancer Center, University of   David A. Gewirtz               Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
           Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville,   Department of Pharmacology and   Macau, Macau, China.
           USA.                              Toxicology, Virginia Commonwealth
                                             University, Richmond, USA.        Saverio Marchi
           Maria R. Baer                                                       Department of Clinical and Molecular
           University of Maryland Greenebaum   Jean-Pierre Gillet              Sciences, Marche Polytechnic University,
           Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore,   Laboratory of Molecular Cancer Biology,   Ancona, Italy.
           USA.                              University of Namur, Namur, Belgium.

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