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Page 6 of 13                                                                                         Zhang et al. Ageing Neur Dis 2023;3:24

                              Mouse/C57BL/6                 KO                - Exon 21                 - Neuronal morphology appeared unaltered              - Impaired spatial learning, poor motor coordination,  [40]
                                                                              (PRO)/homozygous          - No differences in spine density and shape           avoidance towards inanimate objects, and excessive
                                                                              - Loss SHANK3 protein     - Impaired long-term potentiation                     self-grooming in advanced adulthood
                                                                              (> 150 Kd)                                                                      - No alterations in ultrasonic vocalizations
                              Mouse/C57BL/6N                KO                - Exon 9                  - Reduced excitatory transmission and increased mIPSC  - Not autistic-like behavior                   [41]
                                                                              (ANK)/heterozygous        frequency in hippocampus                              - Increased rearing in a novel environment
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a         - Decreased mIPSC frequency but normal mEPSCs in mPFC  - Mildly impaired spatial memory
                              Mouse/C57BL/6J                KO                - Exon 21                 - No change in glutamate receptor or Homer1b/c expression in - Impaired motor learning and coordination  [43]
                                                                              (PRO)/homozygous          whole shank3   mice hippocampal lysates               - An avoidance phenotype towards inanimate objects
                                                                              - Loss of SHANK3 isoforms  - Decreased phosphorylation of the GluN2B Tyr1472 site  - Aberrant locomotor activity in response to novelty
                                                                              (> 150 Kd)                                                                      - Not express an anxiety-like phenotype
                                                                                                                                                              - Minimal spatial learning differences
                                                                                                                                                              - Not display social interaction deficits
                                                                                                                                                              - Normal grooming
                              Mouse/C57BL6/S129sv           KO                - Exon 21                 - No change of mEPSC frequency and AMPA to NMDA current - Social interaction deficit, but it did not reach statistical [42]
                                                                              (PRO)/homozygous          ratio                                                 significance
                                                                              - Expressed SHANK3        - Reduced Homer protein, PSD93, SynGAP
                                                                              (122 kDa)                 - Reduced NMDA receptor subunits
                                                                              - R1117X mutation         - Not see a trend of upregulation of any of the synaptic proteins
                                                                                                        - Reduction of mEPSC amplitude
                                                                                                        - Reduction of the spine density layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in
                                                                                                        the frontal association area
                              Mouse/C57BL6/S129s            KO                - Exon 21                 - No change of mEPSC and AMPA to NMDA current ratio   - An early-onset social interaction deficit
                                                                              (PRO)/homozygous          frequency                                                                                             [42]
                                                                              - An almost complete loss of - Increase of mEPSC amplitude
                                                                              SHANK3 protein            - Reduced Homer protein, GluR1, SynGAP, SHANK2, and
                                                                              - InsG3680 mutation       NMDA receptor subunits
                                                                                                        - No significant differences in either frequency or amplitude of
                                                                                                        - Reduction of the spine density of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons
                                                                                                        in the frontal association area
                              Mouse/C57BL/6J                KO                - Exons4-22 (ANK, PDZ,    - NAC firing deficit                                  - Core behavioral features of ASDs              [44]
                                                                              PRO)/homozygous           - Abnormalities in brain structure                    - Intact fear learning
                                                                              - Loss of all known SHANK3  - Dysfunctional striatal synapses                   - Mildly perturbed hippocampal spatial memory
                                                                              protein isoforms                                                                - Severely impaired striatal learning
                                                                                                                                                              - Abnormal ultrasonic vocalizations
                              Rat/Sprague Dawley            KO                - Exon 6                  - Induced LTP                                                                                            - Impairs long-term social memory  [45]
                                                                              (ANK)/heterozygous                                                              - Normal social interaction
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a                                                               - Attention deficits
                              Rat/Sprague Dawley            KO                - Exon 6                  - Induced LTP                                         - Impairs long-term social memory               [46]
                                                                              (ANK)/heterozygous                                                              - Normal social interaction
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a                                                               -Attention deficits
                              Rat/Charles River Laboratories  KO              - Exons11-21 (PDZ, SH3,   - Reduced spine density, PSD-95                       - Normal social interaction behavior
                                                                              PRO)/homozygous           - Reduced Homer and NR1 in homogenates from the striatum   - Impaired social memory and learning memory
                                                                              - Loss of all known SHANK3   - Increased PSD-95 in the hippocampal PSD fraction of   - Increased anxiety behavior and pain threshold
                                                                              protein isoforms          heterozygous rats                                     - Self-grooming behavior and skin lesions
                                                                                                        - NR1 increased in the hippocampal homogenate fraction of
                                                                                                        heterozygous rats
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