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Zhang et al. Ageing Neur Dis 2023;3:24                                                                                        Page 5 of 13

                              Table 1. SHANK3 mutant animal models

                                                            Modifications     Targeted exons and
                              Species/Background                                                        Molecular phenotype                                   Behavioral phenotype                            Ref.
                                                            approach          isoforms
                              Drosophila/mef2-Gal4          KO                - Minos transposable      - Glutamate receptors and active zones are not affected  - No reported                                [35]
                                                                              element                   - A defect in postsynaptic development
                                                                              (shank   homozygotes)     - Downregulation of
                                                                              - Loss of 97% coding region  Wnt signaling pathway
                                                                              of the shank gene         - Defective NMJ bouton formation and maturation
                                          1118                                                8k
                              Drosophila/W                  KO                - Exons4-12 (shank )      - Developmental defects of synapse in the calyx       - Reduced motor ability and defective olfactory acuity  [34]
                                                                              - Exon10 (shank  )        - Ultrastructural defects of synaptic boutons in the adult calyx
                                                                              - Exon5 (shank )          - Normal NMJ development
                                                                              - Loss of all known SHANK
                                                                              protein isoforms
                              Zebrafish/Tu                  KO                - Exon2 (ANK)/homozygous - Reduced protein expression of NeuN, homer1, and      - Reduced alertness or reduced danger awareness  [37]
                                                                              - Loss of shank3b         synaptophysin                                         - Impaired social interactions and repetitive and
                                                                              - Exon9 (SH3, PDZ,                                                              stereotyped behaviors
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a
                              Zebrafish/The Gulbenkian      KO                - Exon2 (ANK, SH3, PDZ,   - Downregulation of neuroligin gene expression        - Social contagion effects and attention-recognition  [39]
                              Institute of Science                            SAM)/homozygous           - Upregulation of BDNF and NeuroD gene expression     deficits
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a
                              Zebrafish/The University of   KO                - shankabΔN               - The absence of SHANK3 puncta is observed in the     - Downstream brain regions fail to integrate and  [38]
                              Miami zebrafish core facility                   (ANK)/homozygous          cerebellum and along the ventral neural tracts of the  respond to dark transitions in larvae,
                                                                                                                                                                             -/-             -/-
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a/b       brainstem, while PSD-95 synaptic puncta remain unaffected  both shank3abΔN  and shank3abΔC
                                                                              - shank3abΔC  (near the
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a/b
                              Zebrafish/Tu                  KO                - Exon2 (ANK, SH3,        - Reduced homer1 and synaptophysin protein levels in the adult - Impaired locomotor activity          [36]
                                                                              PDZ)/homozygous           zebrafish brain                                       - Abnormal repetitive movements and impaired social
                                                                              - Loss of shank3b                                                               preference behaviors in the adult zebrafish
                              Mouse/Bruce4 C57BL/6          KO                - Exons4-9                - Reductions in glutamatergic synaptic transmission and  - Social interaction and social communication deficits  [49]
                                                                              (ANK)/heterozygous        plasticity
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a and shank3b - A reduced number of GluR1 immunoreactive puncta in the
                                                                                                        striatum radiatum
                              Mouse/C57BL/6J                KO                - Exons4-9                - Altered dendritic spine morphology                  - Abnormal social behavior                      [10]
                                                                              (ANK)/homozygous          - Impaired synaptic plasticity                        - Aberrant motor behaviors and ultrasonic vocalizations
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a and shank3b - Impaired activity-dependent                     - Repetitive behaviors
                                                                                                        GluA1 redistribution                                  - Deficient learning and memory
                                                                                                        - Intact basal transmission function
                              Mouse/C57 (Jackson)           KO                - Exons4-7                - Defects at striatal synapses and cortico-striatal circuits  - No lesions or anxiety-like behavior   [50]
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a
                              Mouse/C57 (Jackson)           KO                - Exons13-16              - Reduced spine density, PSD length and thickness     - Anxiety-like behavior and excessive           [50]
                                                                              (PDZ)/homozygous                                                                - Self-injurious grooming
                                                                              - Loss of shank3a and shank3b                                                   - Dysfunctional social interaction behavior
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