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Page 16 of 29                   Novati et al. Ageing Neur Dis 2022;2:17

               Table 2. Commonly used phenotypic models of NDs
                                      AD                  AD/PD          PD                 HD
                             lesion of    Aβ injection     LPS         6-OHDA        QA          3-NP
                         cholinergic centers
                Aspect of   Degeneration of   Memory deficits   Neuroinflammation   Dopaminergic cell   Striatal lesions   Striatal
                disease   cholinergic neurons  behavioral   cognitive deficits   loss, lesions   Behavioral   neurodegeneration
                reproduced              alteration    Aβ and tau    Sensitivity to   alterations   of MSN
                                        Neuroinflammation  accumulation   apomorphine   Excitotoxicity-  Motor deterioration
                                        Aβ accumulation   Sickness behavior  Neuroinflammation induced cell   and behavior
                                        Local cell loss                           loss      alterations
                                                                                            energy production
                Acute or   Acute        Single injection   Acute, severity can   Acute,   Acute, chronic  Progressive over
                progressive?            (acute)       be modulated by the  compensatory     multiple injections
                                        Osmotic pump   amount of LPS   mechanisms
                                        (progressive)  challenges   possible
                Pros     ● Different protocols   ● Rapid appearance  ● Aspects of   ● Lesion intensity   ● Similar to the  ● Systemic
                         available      of Aβ accumulation neuroinflammation   can be modulated   pattern of cell   injections
                         ● Easy to implement          can be studied   ● Dopaminergic   loss in HD   ● Histological
                         ● Systemic injections        ● Systemic injections neurons are   patients  similarities to HD
                         are possible with some                     targeted
                Cons     ● Many variables (age  ● High   ● No AD/ PD-  ● Variability within  ● Many   ● High inter-animal
                         at lesioning, size/type  concentration   specific pathology   animals   variables (age   variability in
                         of lesion, strain, etc.)   needed          ● Compensatory   at lesioning,   lesioning
                         ● Limited to the   ● Aging as a            effects in unilateral  size/type of   ● Many variables
                         lesioned brain area    pathological factor   lesions     lesion, strain,   (age at lesioning,
                         ● No Aβ or tau   neglected                               etc.)     size/type of lesion,
                         pathology      ● Brain injury                                      strain, etc.)
                                 [277]          [277,278]    [279]         [280]                    [284]
                Literature  Reviewed in  Reviewed in  Reviewed in   Reviewed in   Reviewed   Reviewed in
                                                                                  in [281-283]
               AD: Alzheimer’s disease; PD: Parkinson’s disease; HD: Huntington’s disease; Aβ: amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; 6-OHDA:
               hydroxydopamine; 3-NP: 3-nitropropionic acid; QA: quinolinic acid.

                Figure 1. Studies referencing mice or rats in therapy approaches for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. Results of
                PubMed search with terms “mice”/“mouse” and “rat”/“rats” in combination with above mentioned neurodegenerative disorders and
                “therapy”. Review articles have been removed from the year in which they were published.

               Aside from lesion models, what needs to be noted in AD and PD are lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced
               models, as chronic inflammation is associated with cognitive impairment in AD patients and the
               exacerbation of AD and PD pathology in models of the disease (reviewed in [295,296] ). These models
               recapitulate the involvement of the immune system in the pathogenesis and show an increase in Aβ and
               phosphorylated tau and cognitive impairment [279,297,298] .
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