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Novati et al. Ageing Neur Dis 2022;2:17  Page 5 of 29

               Table 1. Genetic rat models of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease
                                  FAD                            FPD                         HD
                Categories  Early onset AD   Later onset   Autosomal   Autosomal dominant   Juvenile-onset   Adult-onset HD
                (Example)  (McGill-R-Thy1-APP   AD   recessive   (α-synuclein BAC, LRRK2 KO)  HD   (tgHD)
                        rats, TgF344-AD)  (APOE epsilon  (PINK1 KO, DJ-             (BACHD)
                                       4 knock-in)  1 KO)
                Molecular  Mutation in APP,   rRsk factors,   Mainly loss-of- Mainly gain-of function, e.g., SNCA,   CAG expansion  CAG expansion
                and     PSEN1,         e.g., APOE   function, e.g.,   LRRK2         > 60       < 60
                                                 PARKIN, PINK1
                        hyperphosphorylation  variants
                biological   of tau              and DJ-1
                Strategy  ● Expression/knock-in  ●  Humanization  ● Knock out of  ●  Overexpression ● Overexpression   ●  Overexpression ●  Overexpression
                        of a combination of   of loci of AD  PARKIN, PINK1  of wild-type or  of wild-type or   of full-length   of the N-
                        multiple mutations in   relevant   or DJ-1  mutant SNCA  mutant LRRK2       mutant HTT  terminal
                        APP             mutations                      ● KO                     fragment of
                        ● Expression of                                                         mutant HTT
                        mutations in APP +
                        ● Expression of
                        mutations in MAPT
                Pros    ● Early and progressive  ● Physiological  ●   Mitochondrial ● LB pathology  ● Effect of impaired  ● Early and   ● Represents
                        recapitulation of   levels of   pathology can  can be studied  dopamine   progressive   the major form
                        neuropathological   protein   be studied       homeostasis can be  recapitulation of  of HD
                        features       expression                      studied      the HTT    ● Displays HD-
                        ● Tangle-like            ● Cranial                          aggregation   like behavioral
                        pathology                sensorimotor                       phenotype   phenotypes
                        ● Spatial cognition      deficits can be                    ● Displays HD-
                        deficits                 studied (DJ-1                      like behavioral
                                                 KO and PINK1                       phenotypes
                Cons    ● Non-physiological   ● Need to   ● Most of    ● No dopaminergic  ● Represent only  ● Mild and slow
                        condition      verify and   them do not        neurodegeneration juvenile HD   recapitulation of
                        ● Represents a small   characterize   mimic the LB          ● Long CAG   disease
                        portion of disease form  identified   pathology of          repeats may   pathology
                        (early onset AD   novel risk   PD patients?                 change the HTT
                        accounts for < 5% of   factors  ● No motor                  protein
                        AD cases)                behavior                           properties
                                                 impairment in
                                                 PARKIN KO
                Literature  Reviewed in [36-39]  Reviewed   Reviewed in [43-47]     Reviewed in [48]
                                       in [40-42]
               AD: Alzheimer’s disease; APOE: apolipoprotein E; APP: amyloid precursor protein; CAG: polyglutamine; DJ-1 (PARK7): Parkinson’s disease protein
               7; FAD: familial Alzheimer’s disease; FPD: familial Parkinson’s disease; HD: Huntington’s disease; HTT: huntingtin; KO: Knockout; LB: Lewy body;
               LERRK2: leucine-rich repeat kinase 2; MAPT: microtubule-associated protein Tau; PINK1: PTEN-induced kinase 1; PSEN: presenilin; SNCA:
               synuclein alpha.

               review ). This raises the debate of whether the P301L resulting tau aggregation can represent tau pathology
               in AD. Tau is a microtubule-associated protein stabilizing microtubules in the polymerized state [64,65] .
               Alternative splicing of tau in humans generates six isoforms containing microtubule-binding domain,
               including three (3R) or four (4R) microtubule-binding repeats . It has been shown that rats express all six
               tau isoforms as humans, while mice only possess 3R tau isoforms .
               The TgF344-AD rat is an AD transgenic model that carries transgenic constructs, expressing both the
               Swedish human mutant APP and the PSEN1(PS1ΔE9). These rats exhibit 2.6-fold human APP and 6.2-fold
               human presenilin-1 expression, respectively, compared to the endogenous rat homologs. Around 16
               months of age, TgF344-AD rats develop amyloid plaques, some of which are thioflavin S-positive dense-
               core plaques. Strikingly, abundant insoluble tau structures have also been demonstrated in the cortex and
               hippocampus of aged transgenic animals, whose morphology recapitulates human NFTs. Frank and
               progressive neurodegeneration combined with neuroinflammation and cell apoptosis have been found in
               the same brain areas . Similarly, tangle-like tau aggregates were also observed in a wild-type rat injection
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