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Thirugnanam et al. Vessel Plus 2020;4:26  I                                      Page 3 of 16

               Figure 1. Schematic diagram of SNRK. A linear schematic of the various domains in SNRK is depicted. The numbers on top of the bars
               denote amino acid. UBA: Ubiquitin-associated domain; SNRK: sucrose nonfermenting 1-related kinase

               Table 1. The role of SNRK in various cellular systems is shown
                System               Function                    Role of SNRK in the system         Ref.
                Cardiac system  Cardiac metabolism  Regulates cardiac metabolism through phospho-acetyl-CoA   [15]
                                                    carboxylase (ACC) and phospho-AMPK signaling pathway
                              Cardiac functioning   Regulates Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) signaling pathway and   [13,16]
                                                    mitochondrial efficiency through uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) and
                                                    mitochondrial uncoupling
                              Cardiac inflammation  Represses inflammation by regulates NF-κB phosphorylation  [14]
                Adipose system  Adipocyte glucose metabolism  Regulates insulin signaling mediated glucose uptake through   [17]
                                                    PPP2R5D and Akt phosphorylation
                              Adipocyte inflammation  Represses inflammation in white adipose tissue through JNK and   [19]
                                                    IKKβ pathways
                              Adipose thermogenesis  Represses WAT inflammation and regulate BAT thermogenesis   [18]
                                                    through UCP1 and PGC1α
                Vascular system  Vasculogenesis     Maintain angioblast populations and control angioblast numbers in   [20]
                                                    embryonic vascular development through DUSP5
                              Angiogenesis          Promote endothelial angiogenesis by activating ITGB1 (β1 integrin)-  [21]
                                                    mediated endothelial cell migration
                Renal system  Kidney inflammation   Represses inflammation by directly interacting with NF-κB   [22]
                Colorectal system  Colon cancer     Inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation through upregulation of   [12]
                                                    calcyclin-binding protein (CacyBP) and β-catenin degradation
                Ovarian system  Ovarian cancer      Omental adipocytes transport fatty acids for rapid growth,   [23]
                                                    progression, and metastasis of ovarian cancer cells
                Neuronal system  Neuron apoptosis   Regulates low K - induced apoptosis in cerebral neurons  [24]
               SNRK: sucrose nonfermenting 1-related kinase; AMPK: AMP-activated protein kinase; NF-κB: nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer
               of activated B cells; PPP2R5D: serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit delta isoform; Akt: protein kinase-B;
               JNK: Jun N-terminal kinase; IKKβ: IκB kinase β subunit; WAT: white adipose tissue; BAT: brown adipose tissue; PGC1α: peroxisome
               proliferator-activated receptor γ isoform α; DUSP5: dual-specificity phosphatase 5; ITGB1: Integrin beta-1

               The SNRK sequence is annotated to include a putative kinase domain (residues 24-270) and a hinge region
               (residues 271-291) which connects to the UBA domain (residues 292-344) [Figure 1]. The kinase domain
               consists of two lobes namely a N-lobe and a C-lobe. The N-lobe of the kinase domain consists of β-sheets
               [β2 to β5] and a prominent αC helix. The C-lobe of the kinase domain is mainly α-helical and contains the
               activation loop  [Figure 1]. The UBA domain of the SNRK is composed of three α helices (α1 to α3) and
               binds to the kinase domain through the hinge region. This binding facilitates interaction of both the N-
               and C-terminal lobes, which is unique compared to other UBA: kinase domain interactions in the AMPK
               family. The structure of the UBA domain in SNRK inhibits the kinase activity and thus regulates SNRK’s
               activity . Further, the UBA domain is unique among AMPK family members, and this characteristic
               triggers and defines specific downstream signals [26-28] .

               SNRK activation by upstream kinases
               SNRK possesses a conserved threonine (T) residue within its activation loop sequence. However, the
               identity of the activation loop sequence is not highly conserved among other AMPK-related kinases.
               LKB1 activates SNRK by phosphorylating its T-residue 173 (T173). The T residue in the activation loop is
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