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Page 8 of 11                 Verriello et al. Vessel Plus 2021;5:51

               Table 4. Acquired amyloid neuropathies and main clinical features
                Type of     Precursor   Organs involved  Clinical picture of neuropathy
                amyloidosis  protein
                AL          k or λ light   Kidney (74%)   Length-dependent simmetric sensori-motor axonal polyneuropathy, with
                            chains     Heart (60%)    autonomic manifestation
                                       Liver (27%)    Carpal tunnel syndrome
                                       Peripheral nervous   Atypical manifestation: mono or multicranial neuropathy, mononeuropathies,
                                       system (22%)   multiplex mononeuritis, motor neuron diseases, demyelinating
                AA          Serum amyloid   Kidney    Peripheral autonomic neuropathy
                            A protein  Neurological
                                       manifestation (rare)
                Beta2-      β2-protein  Kidney        Carpal tunnel syndrome
                microglobulin          Peripheral nervous   Autonomic neuropathy

               been described, associated with elevated CFS protein concentration and nerve root enhancement and
               enlargement at MRI examination, according to definite CIDP for EFNS/PNS criteria [50,51] . However,
               differently from CIDP patients, subjects affected by AL amyloidosis have prominent autonomic symptoms.

               Another important hallmark for AL amyloidosis is CTS, especially if bilateral, which is associated with
               peripheral neuropathy. The finding of monoclonal protein associated with axonal neuropathy should
               induce the suspicion of AL amyloidosis.

               Monoclonal protein includes IgG, IgM, IgA, or light chains only . In 10% of all cases, however, a
               monoclonal protein is not found . Tissue biopsy (e.g., abdominal fat and sural nerve) should be performed
               when AL amyloidosis is highly suspected.

               In conclusion, the triad composed by “autonomic features, CTS, and monoclonal proteins” associated with
               peripheral neuropathy are the hallmark that should suggest AL amyloidosis diagnosis. Amyloid deposits in
               biopsied tissue confirm the diagnosis.

               AA amyloidosis
               AA amyloidosis is a systemic disease that can develop as a complication of various chronic inflammatory
               disorders. Some studies identify obesity and age as predisposing factors . The amyloid fibrils are composed
               of aggregation of serum amyloid A, an acute phase protein, produced by the liver. The kidney is the organ
               principally involved. Neurological manifestations are rare, even if cases of peripheral autonomic neuropathy
               have been reported .
               B2M associated amyloidosis
               B2M associated amyloidosis has been described in patients with chronic kidney disease on long-term
               hemodialysis. It is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid fibrils of B2M in the flexor retinaculum,
               leading to CTS , in the bones and the joints, causing chronic arthropathy and bone lesions.

               A genetic autosomal dominant form has also been described with Asp76Asn variant B2M, characterized by
               progressive gastrointestinal symptoms and autonomic neuropathy. In this case, patients have normal renal
               function and normal circulating B2M values, suggesting the fibrillogenicity of the protein in physiological
               conditions .
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