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Page 6 of 14                                                  Skopis et al. Vessel Plus 2020;4:30  I

                Rituximab         Retrospective study of the  To investigate the   Rituximab was well   Half of the patients
                maintenance therapy   outcomes and tolerance   efficacy of rituximab   tolerated and maintained  had received additional
                for granulomatosis   of patients with MPA   as a maintenance   remission of patients with  immunosuppression
                with polyangiitis and   and GPA treated with   therapy in patients with   GPA and MPA however, it  concomitantly with
                microscopic polyangiitis,  rituximab maintenance   AAV who achieved   did not completely prevent  rituximab, making it
                2012 [22]         therapy           disease remission   relapses        difficult to discern if the
                                                    with conventional   **The preliminary results  low relapse rates were
                                                    immunosuppressants or   of this study were to   solely attributable to
                                                    rituximab         be confirmed by the   rituximab use
                                                                      MAINRITSAN trial which  Preliminary study which
                                                                      was in progress when the  did not allow conclusions
                                                                      results of this study were  about the exact role of
                                                                      published         rituximab in treating AAV
                MAINRITSAN trial,   Nonblinded, randomized  To compare rituximab   Rituximab infusions of   Trial was not blinded
                2014 [23]         controlled trial   infusions to azathioprine  500 mg given every 6   Fewer patients with anti-
                                                    as maintenance therapy   months were superior   MPO ANCA positive
                                                    in patients with ANCA   to azathioprine as   vasculitis, MPA, or renal
                                                    associated vasculitis   maintenance therapy   limited disease
                                                    (MPA, GPA, and renal-  in AAV, particularly in
                                                    associated ANCA   patients who are PR-3
                                                    vasculitis)       ANCA positive
                MAINRITSAN2 trial,   Open-label, pragmatic,   To compare rituximab   There was not a significant  Open-labeled but all
                2018 [24]         multicenter randomized   infusions tailored to the   difference in the number   relapses were assessed
                                  controlled trial   appearance of ANCA   of relapses in the tailored  by an independent
                                                    autoantibodies, increasing  infusion group vs. the   Adjudication Committee
                                                    ANCA titers and/or the   fixed dose regimen group;  who was not aware of
                                                    presence of CD19+ B   tailored infusion group   the treatment arm or the
                                                    cells in the circulation   received fewer infusions   circulating CD19+ B cell
                                                    measured every three   while still maintaining a   count
                                                    months to fixed dose   low relapse rate   There were 59 centers
                                                    regimens of rituximab in            with testing performed
                                                    patients with GPA or MPA            at each individual center
                                                    as maintenance therapy              (as opposed to all testing
                                                                                        being done in the same
                                                                                        laboratory), however, all
                                                                                        labs for a given patient
                                                                                        had to be drawn at the
                                                                                        same laboratory
                RITAZAREM trial, 2019 [25]  International, multi-center, To compare the efficacy   Rituximab was superior   Investigators were given
                                  open-labeled, randomized, of rituximab vs. oral   to azathioprine as   the option to choose the
                                  controlled trial  azathioprine as a   maintenance therapy   glucocorticoid tapering
                                                    maintenance therapy in   in AAV patients with a   regimen after induction
                                                    patients with a history of  history of prior relapses   therapy as opposed to
                                                    relapsing AAV who had               using a blinded, randomly
                                                    received induction therapy          assigned tapering
                                                    with rituximab                      schedule
                Prolonged B cell   Retrospective case series To investigate the   Prolonged B cell depletion  Small patient cohort (5
                depletion with rituximab            efficacy of rituximab   following rituximab   patients) makes results
                is effective in treating            infusions in treating   infusion was effective in   hard to generalize
                refractory pulmonary                pulmonary granulomas   reducing both the size
                granulomatous                       in patients with GPA   and number of pulmonary
                inflammation in                     who were previously   nodules in these patients
                granulomatosis with                 resistant to traditional   for at least 18 months
                polyangiitis (GPA),                 immunosuppressive   after treatment
                2014 [26]                           treatment
                Rituximab for treatment  Retrospective multi-center To investigate the   There was no difference   Concomitant
                of severe renal disease   study     efficacy of rituximab and  in outcomes between   glucocorticoid
                in ANCA associated                  glucocorticoids alone vs.  the rituximab and   administration with
                vasculitis, 2016 [28]               rituximab, glucocorticoids  glucocorticoids arm vs.   rituximab makes it
                                                    and cyclophosphamide   rituximab, glucocorticoids  difficult to discern if the
                                                    as a treatment for AAV   and cyclophosphamide   results can be solely
                                                    patients with severe renal  arm     attributable to rituximab
                Rituximab in the   Retrospective analysis of  To evaluate the efficacy   Four weeks after   Small patient cohort (8
                treatment of refractory   interventional case series of rituximab in patients   treatment with rituximab,  patients) makes results
                scleritis in patients with          with a history of GPA   all patients showed   hard to generalize
                polyangiitis (Wegener’s),           who developed scleritis   improvement of refractory
                2015 [29]                           that was refractory   necrotizing anterior
                                                    to conventional   scleritis and no further
                                                    immunosuppressant   disease progression
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