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Page 6 of 10    Gonzaga-Jauregui et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:16

                Figure 1. Example of the page that includes newborn screening results in the national vaccination card in Mexico since 2023. Parents of
                newborns in Mexico receive a national vaccination card that is used to record all immunizations, and basic medical and wellness
                evaluations from 0 to 9 years of age. Since July 2023, the national vaccination card includes and must have recorded the results of the
                five different screenings that are performed in newborns: metabolic, hearing, visual, cardiac, and hip dysplasia. Although ENBS is now
                mandated in Mexico, the number and list of conditions are unspecified and variable depending on the healthcare institution of parents’

               In Mexico, SMA screening remains unavailable in the national public healthcare system (and even limited
               in the private sector). Consequently, disease detection relies heavily on clinical expertise, which varies
               significantly within the country’s medical community. Despite the absence of screening for the disease and
               the high cost of therapies, a few patients have been able to be treated in selected reference medical centers.
               The first patient treated in Mexico’s public system with onasemnogene abeparvovec was infused at the
               Children’s Hospital in Mexico City (Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez) at 10 months of age.
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