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Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal

           C O NT E NT S

           Topic: Newborn Screening I - Real World Applications and Technologies

           Systematic Review
           1        A systematic review of real-world applications of genome sequencing for newborn screening
                     Giuditta Magnifico, Irene Artuso, Stefano Benvenuti

           2        Could federated data analysis be the catalyst accelerating the introduction of newborn genome screening for
                     the detection of genetic disease?
                     Petros Tsipouras, Maria Chatzou Dunford, Hadley Sheppard, Hannah Gaimster, Theoklis Zaoutis

           Original Article
           3        Next-generation sequencing-based newborn screening initiatives in Europe: an overview
                     Virginie Bros-Facer, Stacie Taylor, Christine Patch

           4        Analysis of genomics implementation in newborn screening for inherited metabolic disorders: an IRDiRC

                     Guillem Pintos-Morell, Maria Iascone, Giorgio Casari, Raquel Yahyaoui, Elena-Alexandra Tãtaru,
                     Clara D. M. van Karnebeek, Francjan J. van Spronsen

           5        Newborn screening in Mexico and Latin America: present and future
                     Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, Rodrigo Moreno-Salgado, Jacqueline Tovar-Casas, Juana Inés Navarrete-Martínez

           6        Incorporating a new disease in the newborn screening programs in Europe: the spinal muscular atrophy
                     case study
                     Elena-Alexandra Tãtaru, Marie-Christine Ouillade, Chun-Hung Chan, David A. Pearce

                      Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
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