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Special Issue Introduction

           Newborn screening (NBS) programs are an integral part of public health systems aiming to identify infants born with
           childhood-onset, mostly rare disorders and initiate early intervention to improve their quality of life. Current traditional
           NBS programs rely on biochemical methods, and the introduction of tandem Mass Spectrometry has enabled the addition
           of diseases to be screened through National NBS programs. Despite these efforts, there is a significant disparity in the
           number of diseases screened through these programs across the world, from less than a handful in some countries to several
           dozens in others.

           During the last two decades, technological advancements have driven the expansion of NBS pilot programs with the
           development of fast and accurate next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. NGS has opened the door to a range
           of possibilities in the field including, not only wide-scale implementation for confirmatory testing, but also as first-tier
           analysis of numerous genes associated with many genetic disorders, that can be treated presymptomatically and screened
           in a single test. Furthermore, with the increasing development of therapeutic strategies for rare diseases, there is an urgent
           need to enable the addition of diseases to be screened in a fast and efficient manner.

           NGS has the potential to improve the diagnostic and prognostic utility of NBS and could enable progressive and future
           methodological standardization of NBS programs, leaning towards a more equitable healthcare across the world. Although
           true harmonization of NBS programs remain out of reach today, there is a significant potential to improve current programs
           so that more children and families could benefit from screening in the future.
           Several pioneering initiatives in the USA, Europe, Australia, and China, are aiming to pilot NGS in NBS programs, and
           each initiative is designed to address specific challenges. Currently, there is not a single perfect approach which can be
           replicated and implemented worldwide. Each initiative has its own merit as it addresses national and/or regional needs based
           on piloting the technical feasibility and demonstrating clinical utility within a specific healthcare system. Concerns related
           to the use of these novel technologies are being addressed, including but not limited to, technical, medical, economical,
           ethical, and sociological aspects. These pilots do not seek perfection nor harmonization from the get-go but aim to improve
           the current traditional NBS programs.

           The Rare Disease Research Community has a collective responsibility to aim towards a future healthcare that is more
           equitable and accessible. Hence, the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC) and an extended group of
           experts got together to shed light on this field, increase visibility of ongoing efforts, highlight current and future potential
           to  expand  NBS using  NGS technologies and  provide  concrete  opportunities to  further  the  development  of  real-world
           applications for the benefit of rare disease patients and their families. Because, yes, according to Wilson and Junger as well
           as public health authorities the child should be the primary beneficiary of NBS, and rightly so but should you ask families
           who have a child with a rare disease, they will most likely tell you: it affects us all.

           Dr. Virginie Bros-Facer

                                                                                                                                                                     Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
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