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Chen et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2022;1:15  Page 3 of 12

               slow the progression of emphysema.

               However, intravenous augmentation therapy is both expensive and inconvenient for the patient and
               remains unavailable in many countries. Research has continued into the pathophysiology of chronic lung
               disease including the processes relevant to AATD that suggest alternative strategies may be equally or
               potentially more effective in correcting the imbalance that occurs when enzymes such as elastase are
               released into an environment where deficient AAT fails to adequately control the enzyme activity exceeding
               its physiological role and leading to excessive tissue damage. The mechanism and potential strategies to
               enhance protection in AATD are discussed below.

               The pathophysiology of emphysema
               The proteinase/antiproteinase balance theory
               AAT is the most abundant serine proteinase inhibitor in the circulation and plays a major role in the lung
               by largely entering the tissues via simple transudation and therefore increases in the presence of local
               inflammation . In healthy individuals, plasma concentration of AAT ranges between 20 to 40 µM resulting
               in interstitial concentrations of roughly 80% of that in plasma. The other significant lung inhibitor is the
               secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) produced by mucous glands and bronchoepithelial cells and
               can be secreted basally into the interstitium . Although a reversible inhibitor (unlike AAT, which is
               irreversible), it is better at protecting elastin from neutrophil elastase than AAT  despite being unable to
               inhibit Proteinase 3 .
               When the physiological balance between these enzymes (as in AATD) is disturbed, excessive tissue
               breakdown occurs as the proteinases will have a longer duration and radius of activity [23,24] . During
               neutrophilic inflammation, the neutrophil traffic and elastase load to the lung is increased. In those with
               normal AAT, the acute phase response increases AAT production and inflammation increases its
               penetration into the lung leading to modulation of inflammation. In AATD, the AAT concentration is too
               low at baseline and inflammation is greater than in patients with normal AAT which is associated with a
               poor acute phase response . This potentially leads to greater and more persistent tissue damage,
               destruction of elastin, and the development and progression of emphysema.

               When  AAT-deficient  individuals  were  reported  to  have  increased  susceptibility  to  emphysema
               development , researchers quickly recognised the balance between AAT and a destructive enzyme/s
               (subsequently identified as a feature of neutrophil serine proteinases [9,26] ) was key to maintaining elastin
               homeostasis and that emphysema reflected a disturbance in this balance where proteinase activity prevails.
               The proteinase/antiproteinase imbalance between AAT and its cognate proteinase is reflected by the
               excessive amount and activity of neutrophil elastase in AAT-deficient individuals . Neutrophil elastase
               load in the lung tissue is directly associated with the pathological severity of emphysema . Furthermore,
               the systemic footprint of neutrophil elastase measured as a neutrophil elastase-specific fibrinogen cleavage
               product (AaVal360) is significantly higher in AAT-deficient individuals and correlates with the severity and
               progression in the early stages of AATD lung disease [29,30] .

               In the most prevalent form of AATD, it is the replacement of Glu to Lys at position 342 (hinge loop region)
               of the Z variant AAT protein that increases the likelihood of spontaneous polymerisation . As a
               consequence, retention in the liver reduces secretion and hence the plasma and lung concentration,
               increasing susceptibility to tissue damage by neutrophil serine proteinases. In addition, polymerised AAT
               aggregates can be found in the lung tissue , associated with the accumulation and activation of neutrophils
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