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Page 8 of 14              Borek et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2023;2:5

               Table 1. Studies investigating therapeutic modulation of serine proteases in preclinical models of PH
                Target  Inhibition strategy  Preclinical PH model  Main outcomes
                NE     Recombinant elafin  S100A4/Mts1 overexpression   Attenuation of the development of neointimal lesions [50]
                                         (develop PA neointimal lesion)
                       Recombinant elafin  SuHx-rats            Improved hemodynamics and RV hypertrophy, regression of PA
                                                                occlusive changes
                       Elafin overexpression  Chronic hox- mice  Decreased severity of pulmonary vascular disease [69]
                       Inhibitors M249314    MCT-rats           Reversal of established PAH with normalization of PA pressure and
                       and ZD0892                               structure [70]
                CtsG/PR3 Elafin has also been shown to modulate the activity of PR3
                       The specific role of CtsG/PR3 in PAH has not been addressed
                Chymase   Ketotife (MC stabilizer)   MCT-rats   Attenuation of PH and vascular remodeling
                Tryptase  MC Knock Out
                       Cromolyn (MC stabilizer)   MCT-rats      In preventive approach attenuated RVSP and decreased
                       c-kit inhibitor PLX                      muscularization
                       FSLLRY-amide      Chronic hox-mice       PAR-2 antagonist attenuated the development of PH and vascular
                       (PAR-2 antagonist blocks                 remodeling
                       tryptase-PAR2 axis)
                       Cromolyn (MC stabilizer)   MCT + aortocaval shunt   Lower chymase activity was associated with less advanced
                       TY-51469 (inhibitor)  -rats              pulmonary vascular remodeling and improved RV
                       BCEAB (inhibitor)  Bleomycin-induced PH due to lung  Reduced pulmonary vascular remodeling and lung fibrosis, lower
                                         fibrosis               expression of TGFβ1 and MMP2 in PAs
                       Chymostatin (inhibitor)  Cigarette smoke-induced COPD-  Reduction of chymase activity and Ang II concentration in the lung.
                                         PH-hamster             Attenuated RVSP elevation and remodeling of pulmonary
               SuHx: Sugen 5416 + hypoxia rat model, MCT: monocrotaline rat model, chronic hox: chronic hypoxia mouse model, NE: neutrophil elastase, PR3:
               proteinase 3, CtsG: cathepsin G.

                Figure 1. Involvement of proteases in pulmonary arterial remodeling in PH. (A) Schematic representation of a healthy arterial wall. (B)
                Arterial remodeling is accompanied by PASMC hyperplasia and ECM degradation and remodeling leading to the loss of vessel
                architecture. Immune cell-derived serine proteases can hydrolyze ECM proteins and modulate the bioavailability of cytokines,
                chemokines, and growth factors, thus regulating processes central to the development of vascular pathology. PAEC: Pulmonary arterial
                endothelial cells, PASMC: pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells, advFB: adventitial fibroblasts, ECM: extracellular matrix, NE:
                neutrophil elastase, PR3: proteinase 3, CatG: cathepsin G. Graphical abstract has been created with

               is complicated by the incredible complexity of the serine protease family and the fact that these enzymes are
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