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Borek et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2023;2:5  Page 5 of 14

               layer on endothelial cells, leading to endothelial injury and subsequently increased retention of leukocytes in
               the vessel [62-64] . Elastase can also directly affect PAECs function and induce apoptosis and endothelial barrier
               disruption [53,65,66] . In the vasculature, bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR-2) plays an
               important role in the suppression of inflammation and supports the maintenance of the endothelial barrier
               function . Enzymatic activity of NE has been shown to downregulate BMPR-2 signaling and thus could be
               involved in the perpetuation of inflammatory response in the vessels .
               Several studies point to the utility of NE activity inhibition as a promising treatment strategy in PAH.
               Transgenic animals with overexpression of NE inhibitor, elafin, are protected from chronic hypoxia-
               induced PH. Compared to the control animals, they show improved hemodynamics and attenuated vascular
               remodeling . Pharmacological inhibition of NE shows the same beneficial effects in different experimental
               models of PH [50,68,70] . Evaluation of Elafin in the randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded, phase I clinical
               trial is currently ongoing ( Identifier: NCT03522935).

               Proteinase 3 (PR3)
               PR3 is another granule-associated serine proteinase involved in neutrophilic inflammation. It has high
               sequence homology to NE and exhibits similar substrate specificity. Like NE, PR3 can hydrolyze elastin and
               other important ECM components. However, PR3 also has some unique properties, e.g., a substantial
               amount of this protease is present on the neutrophil surface, bound to the cell membrane. Membrane
               association increases even further in activated neutrophils . The role of PR3 in the pathogenesis of PAH
               has never been specifically addressed. However, indirect evidence supports its involvement in the disease
               process. In particular, PR3 can efficiently convert TNFα and IL1β to their bioactive forms  and TNFα has
               been shown to be a central driver of PAH. Out of several cytokines implicated in PAH, TNFα selectively
               reduces the expression of BMPR-2 in PASMCS and PAECs , and deficiency of the BMPR-2 is a genetic
               risk factor for the development of the hereditary form of PH . TNFα-induced alteration of BMP signaling
               results in excessive proliferation of PASMCs , thus contributing to vascular hyperplasia. Of note, the
               therapeutic effect of elafin in PAH could be reinforced by its ability to modulate also PR3 activity [75,76] .
               Cathepsin G (CatG)
               CatG shares its primary specificity with NE and PR3, and it is an essential component of neutrophil
               granule-associated proteolytic machinery involved in a broad range of neutrophil functions. As in the case
               of PR3, the role of CatG in PAH has never been directly addressed. However, many processes that play a
               role in PAH pathogenesis, e.g., regulation of vascular tone, different aspects of the inflammatory response,
               and tissue remodeling, are influenced by CatG activity.

               CatG and NE can convert pro-chemerin into its bioactive form . There is growing evidence to suggest that
               chemerin plays an important role in regulating energy metabolism, cardiovascular homeostasis, and
               inflammatory response (reviewed by Macvanin MT, et al. ). Chemerin can induce the chemotaxis of
               dendritic cells and macrophages  and modulate angiogenesis . Notably, vascular cells express the
               chemerin receptor, chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1), and Chemerin-CMKLR1 signaling has been
               shown to contribute to endothelial dysfunction, increase apoptosis resistance, and induce proliferation and
               motility of PASMCs [78,80] . Additionally, chemerin has been shown to potentiate the vasoconstrictive and
               mitogenic action of endothelin 1 . PAH patients have increased serum levels of both chemerin  and
               endothelin 1 , possibly contributing to their commonly observed chronic vasoconstrictive state.
               Furthermore, neutrophil membrane-bound Cathepsin G has a catalytic activity that can generate the
               vasoactive hormone angiotensin II, a central component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
               (RAAS) responsible for regulating blood pressure . Angiotensin II promotes vasoconstriction and
               stimulates aldosterone release, which activates kidney sodium retention, leading to elevated blood pressure.
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