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Sharratt et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:35  I                                     Page 3 of 10

               with these women being more likely to decide to continue their pregnancy than would have been expected
               if such intervention was not received .

               At the same time, the European Pillar of Social Rights states that “Everyone has the right to timely access
               to affordable, preventive and curative healthcare of good quality” p.21 . There have been significant
               improvements in health in Europe due to advancing healthcare systems; however, access to healthcare
               remains uneven across countries and social groups, according to an individual’s socioeconomic status,
               place of residence, ethnic group and gender . Furthermore, it has been established that the lack of coverage
               and provision of certain types of care, such as cleft and craniofacial care, means that significant inequality
               remains in Europe. It is extremely important to acknowledge, however, that this inequality is not just
               between countries, but also within a country.

               Inequalities are more present in socially marginalised groups; they are, for example (but not limited to),
               individuals who are unemployed, experience mental health problems, migrants or refugees and have
               disabilities. Belonging to a socially marginalised group also increases the risks of health inequalities,
               poverty and social exclusion. In 2017, 22.4 per cent of the European population (112.8 million people) lived
               in households at risk of poverty or social exclusion. In Bulgaria, Romania and Greece, more than a third of
               the population was at risk . When it comes to children, figures for 2018 show they are the group at highest
               risk of poverty or social exclusion in Europe .
               A fundamental factor that explains inequalities in healthcare is that the lower the income of an individual
               or family is, the more self-reported unmet healthcare needs they have. A descriptive example is that in
               Greece those who are in the lowest income quintile report 34.3 per cent unmet healthcare needs while
               those in the highest quintile report only 0.4 per cent . Currently, there exists evidence that large income
               differences result in poorer health and more negative social consequences  and health inequities are
               increasing in many countries . One of the factors that contributes to belonging to a group that is at risk
               of being in poverty and social exclusion is an individual’s level of education , since higher educational
               attainment often correlates with higher employment rates and higher earnings . It also depends on which
               region an individual resides, since the 2018 unemployment rates in EU regions vary from 1.3% to 35.1% .
               At the same time, research shows that individuals with cleft are at an elevated risk of poor educational
               outcomes in comparison to their peers [16-19] . This carries the potential to influence the long-term outcomes
               for individuals with cleft, since they are then hypothetically at a higher risk of poverty and/or social
               exclusion if they do not succeed in their education.

               Experiencing inequality, poverty or social exclusion is also associated with mental health problems.
               Currently, in Europe, more than one in six people experience mental health problems , and, when it comes
               to mental health problems for individuals with cleft, there are population-based studies from Denmark
               and Sweden that show a significantly increased risk for having psychiatric and neurodevelopmental
               disorders [21,22]  as well as increased risk for being prescribed psychotropic medication [23,24] .

               When individuals with a cleft or craniofacial conditions are seen by their healthcare providers, based on
               EU data for the general population, approximately 22 per cent are at risk for poverty or social exclusion .
               However, the real figures are probably higher since the research introduced above shows that some
               individuals with a cleft are at significant risk of not doing well academically and at risk of mental health
               problems, which are associated with a higher risk of experiencing inequality, poverty and/or social
               exclusion. The impact is also influenced by the access to healthcare, as well as the economic situation in the
               country in which an individual with a cleft or craniofacial condition resides.
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