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Khan. Plast Aesthet Res 2018;5:45  I                                                   Page 11 of 14

               Table 1. Showing age of the patients, implant size used and tissue removed in relevant groups
                                     Type of procedure  Number  Range     Mean   Std deviation  P value
               Age in years              PA            11      20-44      28.82     7.01        0.101
                                         VSCT          29      20-66      35.17     12.37
                                         WP            10      23-64      39.60     12.15
               Implant size (cm )        PA            11      275-560    379.55    77.18       0.026
                                         VSCT          29      240-800    289.48    109.00
                                         WP            10      225-420    287.00    55.08
               Tissue excised right side (g)  VSCT     12      17-78      46.67     17.39       0.001
                                         WP            4       77-227     138.50    63.44
               Tissue excised left side (g)  VSCT      12      28-106     56.0      23.84       0.001
                                         WP            4       105-142    124.50    15.28
               PA: periareolar; VSCT: vertical scar Cat’s tail; WP: Wise pattern

               Table 2. Preoperative and postoperative nipple areolar complex and inframammary crease measurements in three groups
                                 Type of Procedure  Number   Range     Mean      Std deviation   P value
               NAC-IMC Preoperative   PA            10      4.5-11.0    7.15         1.98         0.001
                                      VSCT          29      5.0-13.0    8.53         1.48
                                      WP            9       9.0-13.0    10.11        1..24
               NAC-IMC Postoperative  PA            7       7.0-10.0    8.35         1.18         0.056
                                      VSCT          23      6.5-12.0    9.72         1.51
                                      WP            6       7.0-10.0    8.75         0.98
               PA: periareolar; VSCT: vertical scar Cat’s tail; WP: Wise pattern

               Table 3. Pre and postoperative Suprasternal notch to nipple areolar complex measurements in three groups
                                   Type of procedure  Number    Range       Mean    Std deviation  P value
               Preoperative STN-NAC     PA            11        19.5-26     22.45       2.06      0.001
                                        VSCT          29        21.5-30.0   24.69       2.01
                                        WP            10        23.0-32.0   27.27       2.70
               Marked STN-NAC           PA            10        19.5-22.5   20.95       1.01      0.003
                                        VSCT          29        18.5-23.5   21.00       1,25
                                        WP            10        19.5-31.0   23.30       3.22
               Postoperative STN-NAC    PA            6         22-24       22.23       0.60      0.063
                                        VSCT          19        19-24       20.76       1.40
                                        WP            6         19-25       21.92       2.33
               STN; suprasternal notch; NAC: nipple areolar complex; PA: periareolar; VSCT: vertical scar Cat’s tail; WP: Wise pattern

               allowed the postoperative measurement and dimensions in all three subsets to be similar and comparable
               without any statistical significance [Tables 1-3]. In restoring and achieving such proportions, parameters
               and desired aesthetic results are achieved when the two components of single stage procedure were
               performed independently to each other in the same setting. Augmentation mammoplasty is performed first
               independent of the mastopexy and once accomplished, the access is closed and then operation proceeds
               to mastopexy at the same time as the second half of the procedure. The independence of each procedure,
               performed separately at the same time, helps to maintain the integrity of each and without disturbing
               the other and allowing the surgeon to have a control on each of the procedure’s components. When the
               procedure is performed in layers, as described in the technique section, the process allows maximising
               safety of the procedure and aimes to retain the physiological functions of the breasts at the same time.
               Medially based NAC flap has an enhanced blood supply due to its broader link to surrounding tissues as it
               is not entirely based on length and breadth ratios, similarly venous and lymphatic drainage is assisted due
               to pedicle’s wider connections. Retention of the sensory potential of the NAC is more predictable and in
               childbearing age females, lactation potential of the breast for future pregnancies is sufficiently preserved.
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