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Kotti. Plast Aesthet Res 2018;5:16 I Page 5 of 9
Figure 6. (A) A 35-year-old woman asking for a breast ptosis treatment with a natural look. Implants and fat grafting were discussed and
rejected by the patient insisting to have a natural result; (B) a “chignon mastopexy” was performed keeping, after a year, a minor ptosis
for a natural effect; (C) this ptosis is giving, according to our approach, a natural breast look and of course this ptosis is corrected with a
hands up test
Figure 7. (A) A 30-year-old woman with an important ptosis and multiple nodules asking for a breast lift and a minor volume
augmentation as well as a “push-up effect”; (B) a vertical breast lift approach was performed with multiple fibroadenomas resections.
A 320 round and moderate profile silicone implants were added before the final cutaneous lift. Here, we did not opt for a natural breast
ptosis effect and directly restored the BK line to the BK point level; (C) and (D) note also that the BK angle is deliberately pulled up to
more than 90° to confirm this “push up effect”
of the female body; from enlarged and ptotic breasts symbolizing good health and perhaps breastfeeding in
a mother goddess, to a small, non-ptotic and athletic breast symbolizing femininity (as well as good health)
in a goddess of love and beauty . Breast ptosis is no longer in vogue.
The definition of a ptotic breast remains controversial even if currently the standards are more or less
common among continents, societies and tribes. The complexity of this task, especially for proposing