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Kotti. Plast Aesthet Res 2018;5:16 I Page 3 of 9
Figure 1. The “hands-up test” maneuver
Figure 2. The BK angle appreciation
The BK-angle is less than 90° in case of a ptotic breast and becomes 90° or more after successful ptosis
treatment [Figure 2].
From January 2010 to September 2017, 300 patients presenting for breast lift, mastopexy or breast reduction
were analyzed and treated with various surgical techniques. The first aim was ptosis treatment and the
second was to satisfy the patient’s wishes; at the surgeon’s suggestion, augmentation or reduction of the
volume, or sometimes the redefinition of the breast shape was undertaken. Gigantomastia and important
asymmetries including Poland’s syndrome, oncologic breast surgery and tuberous breasts were excluded
from this study.
From this experience and from various clinical observations, an algorithm was proposed for every situation
in our classification [Figure 3] and some representative cases were illustrated [Figures 4-7].
A quick look at two mythic Venuses throughout the history of art: the Venus of Willendorf [Figure 8] and the
Venus de Milo [Figure 9], shows us substantial evidence of the evolution of the criteria for aesthetic beauty