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Editorial                                       Plastic and Aesthetic Research

            Body contouring: “less is more and don’t

            throw anything away”

            Raffaele Rauso

            Department of Dentistry, University of Foggia, 71121 Foggia, Italy.
            Correspondence Author: Dr. Raffaele Rauso, Centro Polispecialistico Santa Apollonia, Via Martiri del Dissenso 95, 81055 Santa Maria
            Capua Vetere (CE), Italy. E-mail:

            Year after year, body contouring (BC) request in getting   considered the central region of the abdomen prohibited
            higher, this is confirmed by the most respected society   for lipo-suction.
            in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery;  this is related
            not only by post bariatric surgery’s patients seeking, but   In 2001, the Brazilian plastic surgeon Saldanha et al.,  for the
            also by patients that due to bad habits, sedentary job, etc.   first time, described the so called “li-poabdominoplasty”,
            lost their ideal physical shape and look for getting better   a technique characterized by selective undermining
            and heathy. Results achieved after surgical BC procedures   between the medial borders of the rectus abdominal
            can be terrific, changing patient's self esteem, however   muscles combining abdominoplasty and liposuction. [9,10]
            sometimes are not so good as patients can expect: why?
                                                              The new and conservative concept is based on the
            BC surgical procedures  have  more  than  a  century  of   preservation of the  abdominal perforating vessels
            history, during this period were refined and improved,   (subcutaneous pedicle);  this technique conserves about
            reducing surgical risk and gaining better results. An easy   80% of the blood supply of the abdominal flap compared
            example of how BC procedures changed during the time   with  traditional abdominoplasty,  moreover,  lymphatic
            can be shown by tummy tuck surgery.               nodes and nerves are preserved, which is an improvement
                                                              on traditional abdominoplasty. [8-11]
            Traditional abdominal  plastic surgery result in a high
            rate of morbidity stemming  from the necessity for a   This is a great example how in BC surgery: “less is more”;
            large undermining of the flap in which the perforating   and how the  exact knowledge of the  anatomy  let to
            vessels are sectioned, [2-5]  consequently, the vascularity   achieve better and safer results.
            of the remaining flap is supplied only by the intercostal,
            subcostal, and lumbar per-forating branches, which are   The same concept can be extended in BC performed after
            situated in the back and flank regions.  Moreover the   massive weight loss; in buttock reshaping, as a logical
            occurrence of ischemic processes with tissue  necrosis   extension  of Millard’s principle: “don’t  throw anything
            and dehiscence of the suture has been described when   away”; it is imperative not just excising tissue’s excess,
            ab-dominoplasty is associated with liposuction.   but use it for buttock’s shape remodeling. [12]

            In 1995, Matarasso  focused  on the complications of   After massive weight loss, buttock lowers and flattens,
            combined liposuction and abdominoplasty, he considered   in this clinical cases, the gluteal dermal flaps (the tissue
            the back and the flanks safe areas, did not regard the   that would be discarded in a simple dermolipectomy) can
            lateral region of the abdomen as a safe area, and   be harvested and used to get better body proportions. [9]
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                                    DOI:                       How to cite this article: Rauso R. Body contouring: “less is more
                                    10.20517/2347-9264.2016.44  and don’t throw anything away”. Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:271-2.
                                                               Received: 09-06-2016; Accepted: 21-06-2016
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