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Case Report                                        Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Primary repair of ear laceration with wedge


          Bhupinder Singla, Inderjit Chawla, Prasant Gautam, Anupam Goyal, Jalaj Rathi

          Department of General Surgery, Rajindra Hospital, Patiala 147001, Punjab, India.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Bhupinder Singla, Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College, Samana Road,
          Patiala 147001, Punjab, India. E-mail:

                Although major contributions have been made in the field of reconstructive surgery, reconstructive
                surgery of the auricle is a daunting prospect even for the most experienced surgeons. Here, we present
                a case who presented to us in the emergency surgical ward with a history of an accidental laceration of
                right ear. Primary repair of the ear laceration after wedge resection of the avulsed part was done. The
                cosmesis achieved by this technique is discussed.
                Key words:
                Ear laceration, primary repair, wedge resection

          INTRODUCTION                                        with epinephrine 1:100,000.  A  wedge excision of the
                                                              damaged part of the ear was done. The wound was then
          Ear laceration is one of the common auricular  injuries   closed in a layered fashion re‑approximating the cartilage
          among traumatic injuries.  The type of reconstruction   with 30 catgut and re‑approximating the epidermis with a
          selected for the  lacerated ear depends on the  size  of   running top suture of 5–0 prolene [Figure 2]. With regular
          the defect and the amount of cosmesis expected by the   dressings and antiseptic precautions, wound healed well
          procedure. It ranges from the wedge resection and direct   with no residual necrosis [Figure 3].
          advancement to reconstruction with  chondrocutaneous
          flaps. This report presents  a case of auricular laceration  DISCUSSION
          in 18‑year‑old boy who was managed by primary repair of
          the ear after wedge resection. A good cosmetic result was   Lacerations  and abrasions  are  among  the  most  common
          achieved.                                           auricular injuries.  The golden rule in such cases
                                                              after  adequate  local anesthesia  is  to balance minimal
          CASE REPORT                                         debridement with maximal tissue preservation. [1]
                                                              Reconstruction of composite (skin and cartilage) defects of
          The 18‑year‑old boy presented in our emergency surgery   the ear may be broadly classified into two groups: wedge
          department with a history of an accident. On examination,   resection  and direct  advancement,  and reconstruction
          the boy was conscious  with laceration of right ear   with chondrocutaneous flaps.  Small helical  defects  (often
          involving the skin and cartilage with tissue loss [Figure 1].   up  to  2  cm)  involving  the  helix  and antihelix  can be
          The  ear  was washed thoroughly  to  remove  any  foreign   repaired with a wedge excision.  The apex of the wedge
          body. The patient was taken to the emergency operation   may  extend into the  conchal bowl. Wedge resections
          theatre for repair with local  anesthesia  with 1% lidocaine   and helical advancements shorten  vertical ear height  but
                                                              maintain the relative proportions. [3]
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                                                              For defects larger but < 25% of the auricle, a star excision,
               Quick Response Code:                           or anterior composite  Burows triangle  excision,  can
                                  redistribute tension throughout the ear and avoid cupping.
                                                              Various  chondrocutaneous reconstruction  methods  have
                                   DOI:                       been described for defects up to one‑third of the auricle.
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.149378   Large composite defects require a new structural support
                                                              followed by a vascularized skin flap.

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