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median  nerve  was  10  mm.  No  information  is  available   advancement of Tinel’s sign 2  months postoperatively
          about motor recovery.                               (1.6  mm/day  in  the  vascularized  group  vs.  0.6  mm/day
                                                              in the conventional group, P  <  0.05), the mean time
          Vascularized sural nerve graft                      to S2 sensory recovery in the tip of the small finger
          The sural nerve was reported initially as a vascularized   (4.3 months in the vascularized group vs. 6.7 months in
          graft  by  Gilbert  and Fachinelli  et  al. [56,57]   although  the   the conventional group, P  <  0.05), and mean time to
          dominant vascular pedicle was absent in a high percentage   electromyographic reinnervation of the abductor digiti
          of cases.  Fachinelli  et  al.  reported that it  receives   minimi muscle (6.25 months in the vascularized group vs.
          its extrinsic vascular supply from two distinct sources.   8.5  months in the conventional group, P  <  0.05) were
          Proximally, the  cutaneous nerve receives  contributions   significantly shorter in the vascularized sural nerve graft
          from the superficial sural artery and distally from the   group. Functional evaluation 2 years postoperatively was
          musculocutaneous and fasciocutaneous perforators of   M3.3,  S3 and M2, S2 for successful vascularized and
          the  posterior  tibial  and peroneal  (fibular) arteries.  The   conventional grafts, respectively. These differences in
          medial  sural  nerve  is  a  good donor for VNGs  due  to  its   function were also statistically significant (P < 0.05).
          long length,  superficial accessibility, and minimal  donor
          morbidity.                                          Nine radial nerves (5 high and 4 low lesions) were repaired
                                                              with 4 vascularized sural nerve grafts and 5 conventional
          Vascularized sural nerve  graft  supplied by  the  superficial   sural nerve grafts.  Two high  radial nerve injuries  were
          sural artery,  Riordan  et  al.  reported that  the  mean   repaired with vascularized grafts, with significantly
          percentage  of neural tissue  within  the  sural nerve  in  the   more rapid mean advancement of Tinel’s sign 2  months
          region where it is supplied by the superficial sural artery   postoperatively. The mean time  to electromyographic
          was 62% compared to 34% distally, where it was supplied
          by the posterior tibial  and fibular  (peroneal) arteries.   reinnervation of the extensor  digiti  communis  muscle in
          They reported two clinical cases (right and left arm in the   the vascularized group was also significantly faster For
          same patient) using the vascularized sural nerve with the   low lesions, there was no significant difference in  mean
          superficial sural artery as folded cable grafts for repairing   time  to electromyographic reinnervation to the extensor
          20  cm and 12 cm median  nerve  defects, respectively.   digiti  communis muscle and in final motor evaluation
          A subjectively evaluated good recovery was reported. No   between VNG and NVNG groups.
          control was provided.                               Thirteen digital nerve defects in the palm were repaired

          Vascularized sural nerve graft supplied by a muscular   with seven vascularized sural nerve grafts and six
          branch of the posterior tibial artery: in contrast to   conventional sural nerve grafts. The mean  advancement
          Riordan  et  al.,  Doi  et  al. [31,32]  stated that the superficial   of Tinel’s sign in the vascularized group was 1.7 mm/day,
          sural  artery  is  unreliable  as  a  nutrient  vessel  for  the  sural   whereas the speed in the conventional  graft group  was
          nerve. They used a vascularized sural nerve graft containing   0.5 mm/day (P < 0.05). The final sensory recovery in the
          a muscular branch of the posterior tibial artery in 27 cases   two groups was not statistically different.
          and compared them to 22 conventional sural nerves.  Vascularized sural nerve graft supplied by the peroneal
          In  8 axillary  nerve repairs  (5 free  vascularized sural   artery: although the peroneal artery does not directly
          nerve  grafts  and 3 conventional  grafts),  there  was  no   supply the sural nerve, Hasegawa  et  al.  used the
          statistically  significant  difference between  the  mean  time   fasciocutaneous perforators of the peroneal artery
          to electromyographic reinnervation of the deltoid muscle   for sural  nerve grafts.  When  a  large nerve gap is
          or the strength of the deltoid muscle 24  months after   accompanied by extensive scarring following severe
          surgery.                                            trauma, soft tissue rich in blood vessels needs to be
                                                              grafted  along  with  the  skin  and  nerve.  Therefore,  the
          In  7  median  nerve  defects  (4  vascularized  sural  nerve   authors conserved the blood flow to the sural nerve by
          grafts and 3 conventional nerve grafts), there was   harvesting the peroneal artery and vein as a vascular
          a statistically significant difference between the   pedicle, along with the fascia and the subcutaneous fat
          vascularized and the nonvascularized sural nerve grafts   tissue,  which  has  a  rich  vascular  plexus.  They  reported
          in terms of mean speed of advancement of Tinel’s sign   6  patients who underwent vascularized sural nerve
          (1.8  mm/day in the vascularized group  vs. 0.5  mm/day   grafting (five to the median nerve and one to the ulnar
          in the conventional group, P < 0.05), mean time to S2   nerve) with a monitoring skin flap, one of which failed.
          sensory reinnervation in the fingertip distal to the distal   The length of the vascularized sural nerve grafts ranged
          finger crease  (16.8  weeks in the vascularized group   from 20 to 30  cm, with a mean length of 23.3  cm. In
          vs. 30.7  weeks in the conventional group,  P  <  0.05)   the five successful cases, the mean static‑2‑PD at the
          and  time to electromyographic reinnervation of the   corresponding fingertip was 14.2 mm (range: 10‑20 mm).
          abductor pollicis brevis muscle  (6‑8.5 months, mean:   Semmes‑Weinstein test  findings were filament 6 in
          7.4 months) in the vascularized group vs. 11‑14 months   2  patients and filament 10 in 3  patients. The authors
          (mean: 12.5 months) in the conventional group,      concluded that vascularized sural nerve grafting
          P < 0.05).
                                                              should be considered as a clinical alternative for nerve
          In  7  lower  ulnar  nerve  lesions  (4  vascularized  and   reconstruction in patients with nerve defects longer than
          3 nonvascularized sural nerve grafts), the mean     20 cm. No controls were provided.

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