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modifications observed in a pedicled flap  such as   difference in the degree of vascularization, reticulin
          sympathetic stimulation that reduces blood flow to   framework collapse, rate and extent of axonal
          93% of normal through production of noradrenaline,   regeneration and remyelination between non‑vascularized
          vasoactive  intestinal  polypeptide,  5‑hydroxytryptamine   and conventional nerve grafts.
          and substance P.  Most  experimental  models  assessed
          pedicled VNG affected by these factors, rather than   In  contrast,  using  a  large  sciatic  nerve  gap  in  the  rabbit,
          free ones. [19,20]  Settergren and Wood.  showed in their   Restepo  et  al.  found that VNGs in all time periods
          canine  model  a  better  blood  flow  after  4‑6  days  for   studied  (from 5 weeks to 15  weeks) did better in terms
          NVNG compared to a VNG. A  free VNG, not affected   of  remyelination  and  number  of  axonal  fibers  than  did
          by sympathetic stimulation, would likely eliminate this   conventional nerve grafts. Shibata et al.  reported  results
          difference.                                         on 40 rabbits median nerve grafts  (20 vascularized and
                                                              20 nonvascularized). Although there were no significant
          While NVNGs, when placed in a well‑vascularized     differences in nerve conduction, action potential, and axon
          bed, undergo a 72  h period  of warm ischemia prior to   diameters,  there  were  statistically  significant  differences
          neovascularization,  VNGs  do not. [16,17]   When  placed in   in muscle contraction force (20%  greater in VNGs than
          a  nonvascularized  bed,  the  ischemic  period last  up to   NVNGs and comparable to the healthy control side) and
          14 days for a short NVNG (30 mm nerve graft in rats),    axon counts. Kanaya et al.  reported that the vascularized
          while  VNGs  have  no  ischemia  time.  Despite  remaining   sciatic nerve graft group showed a better mean sciatic
          avascular  for 14  days, NVNGs eventually regained their   function index  (SFI)  (n  =  30, SFI  =  ‑64  ±  11) than
          vascularity and performed better than VNGs on nerve   the nonvascularized sciatic nerve graft group  (n  =  27,
          conduction velocity studies. [16,17]  Still it is unclear if this   SF  =  99  ±  7)  (P  <  0.01). A  SFI of ‑100 represents a
          has any clinical relevance.                         complete loss of function of the nerve. There was also a
          The above findings  were observed in  thin  small animal   significantly higher nerve conduction velocity in the VNG
          nerves.  It is  likely that a larger nerve, such as a human   group. This was the only study to evaluate the resulting
          mixed nerve of a limb, is not as efficiently revascularized   function instead of morphologic parameters. In a normally
          from the surrounding bed as the small nerves investigated   vascularized bed, VNGs appear to perform better. Kärcher
          in animal models. Clinical experience has shown that small   and  Kleinert   evaluated  recovery  following  a  1.5  cm
          cable grafts are required to make a large caliber nerve that   sciatic nerve defect in rats repaired with a pedicled
          will be efficiently revascularized. [10‑12]  Revascularization   femoral nerve graft with the creation of an AV fistula
          might  not reach the core in a NVNG while a VNG stays   of  the  femoral  vessels.  He  reported  better  and  faster
          well‑perfused.                                      regeneration of a VNG that was complete at 5 months, but
                                                              which was incomplete in the NVNG.
          REGENERATION IN VASCULARIZED                        Scarred (nonvascularized) wound bed
          NERVE GRAFTS VERSUS                                 Koshima  and Harii  tried to replicate a scarred
          NONVASCU‑LARIZED NERVE GRAFT                        wound bed  using  a  rat  burn  wound model  with  nerves
                                                              transplanted into  silicone  tubes.  They  demonstrated  an
          Although the mechanism is not clear, VNGs appear to   increased size and density of myelinated axons and earlier
          provide more effective  regeneration than NVNGs.  This   regeneration  of nerve fibers  in VNGs as compared to
          difference becomes more evident and functionally relevant   conventional nerve grafting.
          as length and caliber of the graft increase and as wound
          vascularization decreases. No comparison has been made    Mani  et  al.  did not find any significant difference in
          in the clinical setting, but clinical reports generally agree   nerve conduction velocity studies between vascularized
          that VNGs provide faster regeneration.              and non‑VNGs in avascular graft beds, even following
                                                              a prolonged initial period of revascularization for
          Studies  of VNGs  in  animal  models  have  reported   non‑VNGs.
          conflicting results. For the purpose of clarity, we have
          divided the  following  discussion into  studies  performed   Functional results
          on  a  vascularized  bed  and studies  performed  on  a   Prior studies have produced conflicting results secondary
          nonvascularized bed.                                to  a  lack of homogeneity  in  evaluation  methods.  As
                                                              previously noted, Kanaya  et  al.  reported in their work
          Normal (vascularized) bed                           that the vascularized sciatic nerve graft group showed a
          McCullough  et  al.  found no difference between    significantly better mean SFI  than the nonvascularized
          vascularized and nonvascularized grafts when studied   sciatic nerve graft group.
          by electrophysiological examination and the degree
          of axonal regeneration. In a similar rat sciatic nerve   Several authors had reported superior results when placing
          model, Seckel  et  al.  found no differences in number   VNGs where previous conventional nerve grafts had
          of regenerated axonal fibers, amount of intraneural   already failed. Rose and Kowalski  reported good results
          scarring, or thickness of regenerated myelin sheaths.   with the dorsalis pedis artery‑peroneal nerve complex in
          Pho  et  al.   performed  histological  studies  in  eighteen   five  cases with  a digital  sensory nerve reconstruction in
          rat femoral nerves. Their experiment showed no      the setting of prior failed non‑VNGs.
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