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13  months in a tertiary care unit. The purpose of this   Case 1
          study was to present a management protocol for various   A 34-year-old male with a crush injury to the right heel
          types of soft tissue defects of the distal third of the leg   pad and ankle region was referred to our center 3  weeks
          and foot with pedicle flaps, by including HBO therapy in   following injury. The patient presented with necrosis of the
          the treatment regimen with the flap delay.  The study was  heel pad with multiple lacerations over the ankle on both
          approved  by  the review board of  Jubilee Mission Medical    the medial and lateral aspects  [Figure  1a-c]. The wound
          College and Research Institute.                     was debrided, and HBO therapy sessions were started.
          METHODS                                             On  postdebridement  day  2,  an  extended  reverse  sural
                                                              flap was  elevated with  flap  delay  [Figure  1d], continuing
          A total of 23  patients with soft tissue  defects of lower   the hyperbaric sessions. On  postdebridement  day 4, flap
          third of the leg and foot were treated over a period of   inset was completed [Figure  1e]. The donor area was
          13  months  (December 2012  to December 2013).  On the   covered  with a  split-thickness  skin  graft.  HBO  therapy
          basis of the defects, lateral supramalleolar, reverse  sural   was  administered  for  an  additional  12  sessions.  The
          and distally-based posterior tibial artery perforator plus   postoperative period was uneventful [Figure 1f and g].
          flaps were utilized for soft tissue coverage. Of 23 patients,
          12 patients were managed by flap delay with HBO therapy   Case 2
          as an adjunct, and 11  patients were managed by direct   A 68-year-old male developed an ulceration on the lateral
          flap transfer  without  HBO  therapy.  Outcomes  following   malleolus with exposure of the ankle joint [Figure 2a]. HBO
          the different types of management  and secondary    therapy sessions were started. The wound was debrided,
          procedures performed  were noted.  All  involved  patients   and lateral supramalleolar  flap coverage was planned
          gave their consent forms.                           [Figure 2b]. The lateral supramalleolar  flap was elevated,
          RESULTS                                             and flap delay was performed,  with  continuation of the
                                                              hyperbaric sessions [Figure 2c]. On postdebridement
          The mechanism of injury for 20  patients  was a road   day 4, flap inset was completed, and the donor area was
          traffic accident, 1 patient presented with an open wound   covered with a split-thickness skin graft [Figure 2d]. HBO
          secondary to a diabetic ulcer, 1 defect was due to   therapy was administered for 12 additional sessions. The
          osteomyelitis  and 1 was due to a snake bite injury. Of   postoperative period was uneventful [Figure 2e].
          23  patients, there were 6  females  (26.1%)  and 17  males
          patients  (73.9%). The mean age was 42  years  (range:   Case 3
          13-68 years).                                       A 21-year-old male sustained injury to the lower third of
                                                              the right leg with soft tissue loss and exposure of the tibial
          In 12  patients,  the  flap delay was performed, and HBO   bone [Figure 3a]. Following debridement, a distally-based
          therapy was used as  an adjunct. Of  these  12  patients,   posterior tibial artery perforator plus flap was planned.
          2  patients  had sustained  the  defect  due  to  an  infectious   A  distally-based posterior tibial artery perforator plus
          source, and  10  cases occurred secondary to a road   flap was elevated, and flap delay was performed with
          traffic accident. Among these 12 patients, 5 patients had   continuation of the hyperbaric sessions [Figure 3b and c].
          diabetes  mellitus,  and 1  patient  had soft tissue  loss due   On postdebridement day 4, flap inset was completed,
          to a snake bite injury. Two patients  were scheduled for   and the  donor  area  was covered with  a  split-thickness
          extended sural artery flap, and 1  patient had varicose   skin graft [Figure 3d]. HBO therapy was administered for
          veins  as a comorbid condition. Five flaps were lateral   an additional 6 sessions.  The postoperative period was
          supramalleolar flaps, 1 was  a  distally-based  posterior   uneventful [Figure 3e].
          tibial artery perforator flap, and 6 were reverse sural
          artery  flaps. Among  the  6  reverse  sural  flaps, 2  were   Case 4
          extended  reverse  sural  flaps. The  severity  of injury,  time   A 39-year-old male sustained injury to the right foot
          of referral, comorbid conditions, age of the patients, and   secondary to a road traffic accident and presented with soft
          the extent of the flap  were considered to be qualifying   tissue loss over the medial malleolar and calcaneal regions
          conditions for flap  delay with associated HBO therapy.   [Figure 4a]. The wound was debrided, and a reverse sural
          One  patient  developed a  recurrent  abscess  at  the  ankle   artery  flap  was  performed  [Figure  4b  and  c].  The  patient
          joint, which required incision and drainage, and 1 patient   developed  flap  tip  necrosis  and  required  a  skin  graft  for
          had discoloration of the  flap tip which resolved without   coverage [Figure 4d].
          For 11 patients, direct transfer of the flap was performed.   DISCUSSION
          Of these 11 patients, 1 child had suffered soft tissue loss
          secondary to osteomyelitis,  and the  rest  of the  defects   Soft  tissue  defects  of  the  lower  third  of  the  leg  and  foot
          were due to road traffic accidents. Four flaps were lateral   may  be  covered  with  skin  grafts,  local  flaps,  distally  or
          supramalleolar flaps and 7 were reverse sural artery flaps.   proximally-based island flaps, and distant tissue transfer or
          Six  patients  developed postoperative complications. Five   cross leg flaps. In 1983, distally-based fasciocutaneous flaps
          patients suffered tip necrosis, which required debridement   were  introduced,  providing  flaps  with  a  reliable  vascular
          and skin grafting, and 1  patient sustained partial loss of   supply regardless of their length to width ratio. The
          a reverse sural flap, which subsequently required skin   reverse sural artery flap, lateral supramalleolar flap, and
          grafting [Tables 1-3].                              inferiorly-based medial and lateral fasciocutaneous flaps

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