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easier to remove via liposuction, and helps to tighten the
          skin. There is no scientific evidence demonstrating the
          advantage of this technique over the ultrasound  assisted
          liposuction or the traditional liposuction.
          Blugerman  et  al.  described a novel technique using
          radiofrequency assisted liposuction. Radio frequency is
          a  form  electro‑magnetic  energy  similar  to  microwave.
          The process involves passing radio frequency energy
          through tissue to heat up fat cell and making it easier to
          remove via liposuction and helps to tighten the skin. This
          procedure was well‑tolerated, safe, and efficient in the
          removal of a moderate volume of fat. Paul et al.  reported
          three‑dimensional skin tightening with this procedure and
          proposed a mechanism of tissue tightening.
                                                                   a                     b
          The Water‑Jet assisted liposuction is a new technique that   Figure  1:  Simon  syndrome.  (a) Preoperative and (b) one‑year
          uses fan‑shaped jet of tumescent solution to anaesthetize   postliposuction treatment
          the area for liposuction. Sasaki  used this technique  in
          2011  on 41 patients. The amount of instilled tumescent
          fluid, lidocaine dosage, and aspiration volumes appeared
          to be safe, with minimal blood loss in small and moderate
          volume liposuction cases, and have emphasized  on
          efficacy and safety of the technique.


          El‑Khatib  has used the wet technique to treat the lower
          part of the body with unusual fat distribution that is
          clinically characterized by massive symmetric and diffuse
          fat deposition in the trochanters, groins, buttocks, hips,
          and lower extremities; it contrasts sharply with the normal
          fat distribution in the upper part of the body. The massive
          lipomatoses of the lower body can be classified into        a                b
          3 types: type 1, the familial symmetric lipomatosis (Simon’s   Figure 2: Peritrochantric lipomatosis. (a) Preoperative and (b) 18 months
          syndrome) that affects the groins, trochanters, hips,   postliposuction
          buttocks, and thighs  [Figure  1]; type  2, the bilateral
          peritrochanteric familial lipomatoses [Figure 2]; and type 3,
          the  unilateral  peritrochanteric  lipomatosis.  The  adipose
          tissue  diseases  are  often  accompanied  by  psychological
          depression due to their disturbed body image. The
          traditional liposuction is the treatment of choice for these
          esthetic deformities. The surgical removal of the localized
          fatty deposit results in unacceptable cosmetic outcome.


          Multiple Symmetrical  Lipomatosis,  also known as benign
          symmetric lipomatosis or Madelung’s disease and
          Lanois‑Bensaude syndrome  are  metabolic  conditions
          characterized by the growth of fatty masses  around the   a                   b
          face, back of the head, neck, upper arms, abdomen, back
          and upper leg in a very specific distribution  [Figure  3].   Figure 3: Madelung’s disease. (a) Preoperative anterior and (b) posterior
          Unlike  the  usual lipoma,  these  benign  fatty  masses  are
          not enclosed in a membranous. Due to this characteristic   is preferable due to a reduction of blood loss and
          and symmetrical appearance, these  conditions are often   reduction of effort produced by surgeon.
          dismissed as simple obesity.
          Bassetto et al.  used the ultrasound‑assisted liposuction   DERCUM’S DISEASE
          to treat multiple systemic  lipomatosis. He compared
          the  traditional lipectomy and the ultrasound‑assisted   Decrum’s disease is characterized by the presence of the
          liposuction and concluded that the ultrasound liposuction   painful condition, sleep disturbance, memory impairment,

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