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of subjects  (n  =  165) reported a score  of  3, followed   Table 1: Age-wise and gender wise distribution of study
          by score 1  (n  =  156).  Score 10 was reported by least   population
          subjects (n = 24).                                                  Male         Female        Total

          When the IOTN‑AC scores are divided into three categories         n     %      n      %      n     %
          based  on  the  need  for orthodontic treatment,  maximum   16-18 years  210  49.65  213  50.45  423  100
          subjects were found to report scores of 1–4  (60.9%),   >18 years  318  56.08  249   43.82  567   100
          followed by scores 5–7 (27%) and scores 8–10 (12.1%).  Total     528   53.33   462   46.67  990   100

          Table  3 represents the gender‑wise differences according
          to the IOTN‑AC scores. The differences were not found   Table 2: Distribution of the IOTN-AC scores in the study
          to be statistically significant  in relation to the perceived   population
          needs (P = 0.095).                                   IOTN score              n              Percentage
          Table  4  summarizes  the  perceived  orthodontic need   1                  156                15.8
          IOTN‑AC  scores according  to age  groups. The age  wise   2                150                15.2
          differences  were found to be  statistically  significant  in   3           165                16.7
          relation to the perceived needs (P < 0.001). Significantly   4              132                13.3
          greater proportion of the older adolescents (60%) showed   5                120                12.1
          perceived orthodontic treatment.                     6                      93                 9.4
                                                               7                      54                 5.5
                                                               8                      60                 6.1
          DISCUSSION                                           9                      36                 3.6
                                                               10                     24                 2.4
          The sample analyzed composed of older adolescents and   Total               990                100.0
          younger adults  ranging in age between 16  and  24  years   IOTN: Index of orthodontic treatment need, AC: Aesthetic component
          old. People of  this  age  range  tend  to  be  more  socially
          aware and conscious about their appearance  than a   Table 3: Gender wise distribution of the IOTN-AC scores
          comparatively younger school going  population. Further,
          young  people tend to show less  physiological wear,   Gender       Male         Female        Total
          wasting  diseases,  and periodontal  diseases  in  their  teeth   n     %       n     %      n     %
          which if present might affect the accuracy of the method.  Score 1–4  315  52.24  288  47.76  603  100
          In this study, it appeared that the gender of the patients   Score 5–7  156  58.42  111  41.58  267  100
          did not influence the perception of their own dentition.   Score 8–10  57  47.50  63  52.50  120  100
          The female and male subjects of both age groups had a   Total    528   53.33   462   46.67   990  100
          tendency to score their dental appearance more favorably   P = 0.095. IOTN: Index of orthodontic treatment need, AC: Aesthetic
          and allocate themselves toward the more attractive end of   component
          the scale.
                                                              Table 4: Age-wise distribution of the IOTN-AC scores
          When  self‑perceived  orthodontic  treatment  need  was   Age    16–18 years    >18 years      Total
          evaluated by means of the AC of IOTN, only 12.12%  of
          the subjects  self‑scored as presenting  a definite  need         n      %      n      %     n     %
          for orthodontic treatment.  Consistent  to some other   Score 1–4  234  38.81  389   61.19   603  100
          studies, no statistically significant differences were   Score 5–7  117  43.82  150  56.18   267  100
          observed in perceived orthodontic needs according to   Score 8–10  72    60    48     40     120  100
          gender. [15,18]  However, these findings were not consistent   Total  423  42.73  567  57.27  990  100
          to those of other studies. [24,27‑30]  This is  probably because   P < 0.001. IOTN: Index of orthodontic treatment need, AC: Aesthetic
          subjects  were  from  a  rural area  and had a  general  lack   component
          of awareness of the presence of malocclusion.  The race,
          level of expectations  (probably affected by  their  culture),   where significant differences were not seen. Adolescence
          and socioeconomic status  of each population might  also   is the time when concern  over appearance  and  facial
          contribute to this.                                 attractiveness is developing, which translates to an
                                                              increased  awareness  of body  image.  Teenagers,  in
          Statistically significant differences were found  for   particular have been found to attach great importance to
          perceived  needs  according  to  age.  Significantly  greater   an attractive dental appearance. The differences between
          part of the older adolescents  (60%)  self‑scored as   studies may result from ethnic variation and the age range
          presenting  a definite  orthodontic treatment  need   of the  adolescents  in  this  present  study.  Ethnicity  does
          compared to younger  adults.  Similar  findings  were   have an effect on self‑perceived need due to differences
          observed in a study conducted  by Alhaija  et  al.  where   in acceptable facial appearances and what is deemed as
          significant differences were found when age groups were   acceptable occlusion by different ethnic groups. It would
          compared for the perceived need for treatment. However,   thus be useful to validate the IOTN in different ethnic
          this  is in contradiction with some  other studies [16,24,28,29]    groups.

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