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Page 10 of 12           Mitchell et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:35

               Table 1. Summary representation of three general approaches to pan-brachial plexus injury reconstructions

                              Method 1:                Method 2:              Method 3:
                              extra-plexal nerve transfers   double free functional muscle   contralateral cervical seventh nerve root
                                                       transfer               transfer
                Elbow         ICN 5-6 to MCN           FFMT Stage 1 (SAN)     PN to ADUT
                Flexion                                FFMT Stage 2 (ICN 5-6)
                Shoulder      SAN to SSN               Shoulder Arthrodesis   SAN to SSN
                Elbow Extension  ICN 3-4 to Triceps    ICN 3-4 to Triceps     Gravity
                Hand          Wrist, 1st CMC and thumb IP joint   FFMT Stage 1 to   CC7 to Median
                Function      arthrodesis              FFMT Stage 2
                Hand          ICBN to LCMN             Sensory ICN to LCMN    CC7 to Median
               Intercostal nerves (ICN), musculocutaneous nerve (MCN), spinal accessory nerve (SAN), phrenic nerve (PN), anterior division upper trunk
               (ADUT), the contralateral cervical seventh nerve root (CC7), suprascapular nerve (SSN), carpometacarpal (CMC), interphalangeal (IP), free
               functional muscle transfer (FFMT), intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN), lateral cord contribution to median nerve (LCMN)

               this review, there is substantial heterogeneity within the group of patients with PBPI, and intraoperative
               flexibility is a necessity. The greatest variability in operative plans and strategies hinges on the status of C5
               roots, which can provide valuable donor axons, in addition to the extra-plexal SAN, PN, ICN and CC7. It is
               important to note that in rare cases, a graftable C6 nerve root may be present. In this case, in a pan plexus
               injury with C5 and C6 roots viable, you could reconstitute shoulder motion with C5 to suprascapular/
               PDUT and C6 to ADUT.

               The literature has outlined several promising methodologies for the treatment of PBPI; however, there
               remains much progress to be made to support this patient population with more reliable and more
               restorative interventions.

               Authors’ contributions
               Completed writing of the manuscript, figure/table creation: Mitchell SM
               Made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study: Zumsteg JW
               Performed literature review, as well as provided organizational and editorial support: Desai KA

               Financial support and sponsorship
               Not applicable.

               Conflicts of interest
               All authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

               Ethical approval and consent to participate
               Informed consent was obtained from all patients.

               Consent for publication
               Patients have signed a release of intra-operative clinical photos for educational use in publications.

               © The Author(s) 2023.
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