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Page 4 of 10            Di Valerio et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2022;9:62

               Table 1. Included studies in systematic review
                First    Amputation location (n),
                author,   Primary/Secondary TMR  Amputation location (n)  Neurotizations
                Alexander,   Upper extremity (9), Primary  Trans-radial (1) Trans humeral (4)   Not specified
                2019                          Shoulder disarticulations (4)
                         Lower extremity (22), Primary  Below-knee (7)   Not specified
                                              Above-knee (14)
                                              Hip disarticulation (1)
                Dumanian,   Upper extremity (4), Secondary  Above-elbow (3)   ● Not specified
                2019                          Below-elbow (1)
                         Lower extremity (26),   Above-knee (10)        ● Not specified
                         Secondary)           Below-knee (16)
                Janes,   Lower extremity (17)  Trans-tibial (7), Secondary   ● Saphenous nerve → Medial soleus muscle, medial
                2020                          Trans-femoral (10), Primary  gastrocnemius biceps femoris, vastus medialis,
                Kubiak,   Upper extremity (6), Primary  Trans-radial (3)   ● Median cord, lateral cord, posterior cord,
                2019 [16]                     Trans-humeral (2)         musculocutaneous, ulnar, median, radial, SBRN,
                                              Glenohumeral (1)          intercostal brachial cutaneous nerves
                         Lower extremity (46), Primary  Trans-tibial (37)   ● Sciatic, femoral, tibial, common peroneal, deep
                                              Trans-femoral (9)         peroneal, superficial peroneal, saphenous, sural
                Morgan,                       Trans-radial (3), Primary; (2)   ● Median nerve → FDS, FDP
                2016 [17]  Upper extremity (5)  Secondary               ● Ulnar nerve → FCU, FPL
                                                                        ● SBRN → Extensor carpi radialis, FDS
                Pet, 2014  Upper extremity (11), Primary  Elbow disarticulation (1)   ● Median nerve → Medial biceps, biceps, FDS,
                                              Long trans-humeral (3)    pectoralis major, lateral biceps, upper pectoralis
                                              Short trans-humeral (4)   major
                                              Above-elbow (1)           ● Radial nerve → Teres minor lateral triceps, medial
                                              Shoulder disarticulation (2)  triceps, serratus anterior, lateral triceps, brachialis,
                                                                        triceps, latissimus dorsi, lateral FDS
                                                                        ● Ulnar nerve → Medial triceps, serratus, lower
                                                                        pectoralis major, teres minor, triceps, posterior
                                                                        triceps, pectoralis minor, triceps, FDS
                                                                        ● Musculocutaneous nerve → Clavicular head of
                                                                        pectoralis major, medial biceps, lateral biceps, biceps
                         Upper extremity (8), Secondary  CMC joint (1)   ● Median nerve → Clavicular head of pectoralis
                                              Trans-radial (3)          major, medial biceps, FDS, FDP
                                              Trans-humeral (3)         ● Radial nerve → Lateral triceps, medial triceps,
                                              Shoulder disarticulation (1)  brachialis, FDS
                                                                        ● Ulnar nerve → Medial triceps, posterior triceps,
                         Lower extremity (1), Primary  Knee disarticulation (1)  ● Tibial nerve → Medial hamstring, hamstring
                                                                        ● Peroneal nerve → Lateral hamstring
                         Lower extremity (15), Secondary Above-knee (8)   ● Sciatic nerve → Lateral hamstring, medial
                                              Below-knee (7)            hamstring
                                                                        ● Tibial nerve → Medial hamstring, hamstring
                                                                        ● Peroneal nerve → Lateral hamstring
                Souza,   Upper extremity (26), Secondary  Trans-humeral (16)  ● Median nerve → Biceps brachii (short head)
                2014 [19]                                               ● Ulnar nerve → Brachialis
                                                                        ● Radial nerve → Triceps brachii (lateral head)
                                              Shoulder disarticulation (10)  ● Musculocutaneous nerve → Pectoralis major
                                                                        (clavicular head)
                                                                        ● Median nerve → Pectoralis major (split sternal
                                                                        ● Ulnar nerve → Pectoralis major (split sternal head),
                                                                        pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior
                                                                        ● Radial nerve → Latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior,
                                                                        pectoralis major (split sternal head)
                Valerio,   Upper extremity (15), Primary  Above-elbow (4)   Not Specified
                2019 [20]                     Below-elbow (4)
                                              Shoulder disarticulation (7)
                         Lower extremity (36), Primary  Above/through knee (18)   Not Specified
                                              Below-knee (18)
                Obrien,                                                 ● Median nerve → FDS or FDP
                2021     Upper extremity                                ● Ulnar nerve → FCU or FPL
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