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Table 1. Criteria for the ideal internal bra material  dermal matrix (ADM) in revision breast surgery for correction
         Criteria                                            of implant rippling. This was later expanded to include a
         No interference with mammography                    variety of implant-related problems, with the common
         Biocompatible                                       denominator being inadequate soft tissue support  and/or
         Bio-inductive: template for long-term host tissue replacement  coverage.  Histologic analysis demonstrated integration
         Maintains strength until host tissue replacement    and transformation into host tissue, with follow-up as long
         Handling characteristics: easy to template and suture          [12]
         Easily stored and ready-to-use                      as 12 years.  The ability  of these  materials  to replace
         Available in a range of sizes                       deficient or weakened tissue led to their  widespread
         Affordable                                          adoption  in breast reconstruction and  revision breast
         Natural feel                                        surgery  and became  the  standard for many  years.   Host
         recreating a stable breast implant pocket, but are not always   tissue response and long-term integration may be affected
         capable of providing a comprehensive solution.      by decellularization and sterilization methods which can
                                                             alter the architecture of the matrix. [14]
         Recognition of the potential benefit of non-autologous
         internal breast support  was initially constrained by the   ADM’s have proven valuable in the setting of revision
         lack  of suitable materials [Table 1]. Most of the products   breast  implant  surgery,  for both  reconstructive  and
         were  developed for hernia  repair  and general  soft tissue   cosmetic cases.   In primary reconstruction, they may
         support rather than for breast procedures specifically. These   allow for more rapid tissue expansion and higher initial fill
         materials can be classified as first generation (nonresorbable   volumes,  though prospective studies  on this  are  limited
         synthetics), second generation (acellular dermal matrix), and   and inconsistent. Selection of an adequately sized piece is
         third generation (slowly resorbable textiles) [Table 2]. The   important.  Direct-to-implant immediate  reconstruction
                                                             with skin-sparing mastectomy relies on the use of ADM’s to
         developing role of these products will be reviewed.
                                                             offload the weight of the implant from the skin envelope
         FIRST GENERATION INTERNAL BRA                       and control pocket shape. [19]
         MATERIALS                                           Further experience with ADM’s revealed their resistance to
                                                             radiation, of particular benefit to reconstruction patients.
         The use of polypropylene mesh with reduction mammoplasty   Another observation was a much lower than expected
         was reported in 1981,  and more recently a three-   incidence of capsular  contracture in reconstruction
         dimensional pre-shaped polyester mesh was developed.    patients,  leading to the use of ADM’s in revision
         Because Wise pattern/inverted T patterns rely on the skin   breast surgery for established capsular contracture. [22,23]
         envelope to shape the breasts, by offloading the support and   In  this  application, the  material  may  afford protection
         shaping of the breast from the skin to the mesh, the role of   against recurrent contracture, possibly related to altered
         short scar techniques expanded. Góes  originally proposed   inflammatory aspects of capsule formation.  Importantly,
         the use of resorbable mesh with periareolar mastopexy   ADM’s  serve to replace tissue  support and implant
         but noted longer lasting  results with a mixed mesh  (40%   coverage after capsulectomy. This ability to provide instant,
         polyester, 60% polyglactin). More recently, a titanium-coated   predictable, and durable tissue thickness remains a primary
         mesh (TiLOOP  Bra) has been introduced in Europe.    advantage of ADM’s.  Porcine-derived ADM’s,  designed to
         Nevertheless,  concerns about  biofilms  and a  permanent   offer a non-human source alternative,  have found utility
         foreign body in the subcutaneous layer of the breast have   in this application.  In general, porcine ADM’s have more
         limited the  adoption of this  approach.   For these  same   consistent thickness and less stretch than human-derived
         reasons,  non-resorbable meshes  have had limited  use in   ADM’s.
         revision breast surgery although they helped establish proof
         of concept for the idea of an internal bra.         The use of ADM’s has been mostly limited to the
                                                             periprosthetic  layer  for creation of a stable  pocket  for
         SECOND GENERATION MATERIALS                         implants,  as a pectoral extension  for post-mastectomy
                                                             breast reconstruction and in revision  aesthetic  breast
         Duncan  first reported the use of human-derived acellular   implant surgery. Use of an ADM internal bra in reduction
         Table 2. Internal bra materials
         First generation                 Second generation                   Third generation
         Mixed mesh (polyester/polyglactin)  Human ADM                        Silk fibroin mesh
         Polypropylene mesh               • Alloderm                          • SERI Scaffold
         Polyester three-dimensional cone  • Dermamatrix                      P4HB mesh
         Titanium-coated polypropylene (TiLOOP    • FlexHD                    • GalaFLEX
         Bra)                             • AlloMax                           • Phasix
                                          Porcine ADM                         Mixed
                                          • Strattice                         • TIGR  (Fast resorbing copolymer of lactide,
                                          • Permacol                          glycolide and trimethylene carbonate;
                                                                              slow-resorbing copolymer of lactide and
                                                                              trimethylene carbonate

         ADM: acellular dermal matrix
         4                                                                    Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 3 || Issue 1 || Jan 15, 2016
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