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This is especially true for patients with multiple fingertip examine the advantages, disadvantages and to define the
amputations in which dressing changes may be a painful indications for its use.
ordeal. Like all treatments that allow for wound healing Acknowledgment
by secondary intention, the P‑ECM technique requires P‑ECM powder was provided by ACell, Inc., Columbia,
that a patient adequately understand the treatment MD.
protocol and correctly apply the powder every other day.
Therefore, it is important to consider patient adherence Financial support and sponsorship
and availability of an individual who can aid in treatment Nil.
application, patient’s access to sterile saline and wound Conflicts of interest
dressing materials, and motivation to adhere to treatment There are no conflicts of interest.
This series demonstrates that the use of P‑ECM is REFERENCES
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Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 5 || Sep 15, 2015 283