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Topic: New Perspectives in

                                                          On June 1, 2020, Peking Union Medical College Hospital
                                                          appointed Professor Long Xiao as the Deputy General Secretary
                                                          of the West Campus.

                                                          Prof.  Long  has been  the  Deputy  Director  for the  Division of
                                                          Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Department of Peking Union
                                                          Medical College Hospital, and a member of the Editorial Board
                                                          for the Journal of  Keloid Research since 2018. She has been
                                                          involved in numerous local  and international  collaborations
                                                          since the start of her career as a plastic surgeon. Recently, she
                                                          has initiated the 2020 Atlantic Fellow of Heath Equity. She
                                                          participated the Equity Initiative Fellow of Southeast Asian and
                                                          China in 2019. Prof. Long has been awarded on a yearly basis
                                                          due to her excellent contribution and dedication to both PUMCH
                                                          and PUMC, whose most recent honorary awards are First Prize
                                                          in Medical Achievement Award from PUMCH and Excellent
                                                          Young Teachers Award from PUMC.

                                                          Prof. Long specializes in female external genitalia plastic surgery,
                                                          lymphedema, localized scleroderma and keloids. Her main
                   Professor Long Xiao, MD                research direction as a medical student was in the comprehensive
                Deputy General Secretary of West          treatment of scar and repair and reconstructive surgery. Her
                                  Campus; and             professional expertise includes emergency treatment of trauma
                   Deputy Director of Plastic and         and conventional plastic surgery, such as the treatment of surface
                   Aesthetic Surgery Department           tumors, and various personalized treatments of wounds and
                 of Peking Union Medical College          scars.
                               Hospital, Beijing
                                Chief Physician           Prof. Long’s outstanding career accomplishments are demonstrated
                           Research Supervisor            through her role as a Primary Investigator in 6 major research
                                                          projects.  Her  most  recent  research  is  titled:  Inflammation
                                                          reaction induced by ADSCs in lymphedema (Scholar Program
                                                          of PUMC, 2018.12 -2019.12). She has also co-authored 3 books
                                                          and has translated 3 books. Her most recent book is titled:
                                                          Lymphedema-surgical  approach  specific  topics,  2018.  Up  to
                                                          now, she has published more than 60 SCI papers in international
                                                          academic journals, including PRS, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging,
                                                          Dermatology Surgery, etc.
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