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Plastic and Aesthetic Research
Topic: Breast Reconstruction with Autologous Tissue Transfer -
Advantages and Limitations
1 Two birds one stone: lymphatic and breast reconstruction with autologous tissue
Shayan M. Sarrami, Carolyn De La Cruz
2 Future of autologous breast reconstruction: a review of novel technological innovations
Omar Allam, Caitlin Foster, Leonard Knoedler, Samuel Knoedler, Seungju Jackie Oh, Bohdan
Pomahac, Haripriya S. Ayyala
3 The radiated breast and autologous reconstruction: benefits and alternatives
Jane N. Ewing, Zachary Gala, Mehdi S. Lemdani, Stephen J. Kovach III, Said C. Azoury
4 Optimizing perfusion and volume in autologous breast reconstruction: dual-plane,
conjoined and stacked flaps
Matthew M. Farajzadeh, Ara A. Salibian
Systematic Review
5 A systematic review on the effect of immediate autologous microsurgical breast
reconstruction on the timely initiation of adjuvant therapy
Ida Bjoernsted Dengsoe, Ajla Sabitovic, Tine Engberg Damsgaard
6 Operative efficiency in autologous breast reconstruction: a systematic review
Nicholas T. Haddock, Thomas Steele, Sumeet S. Teotia
Plastic and Aesthetic Research III