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1. Submission Overview
Before you decide to publish with us, please read the following items carefully and make sure that you are well aware of
Editorial Policies and the following requirements.
1.1 Topic Suitability
The topic of the manuscript must fit the scope of the journal. Please refer to Aims and Scope for more information.
1.2 Open Access and Copyright
The journal adopts Gold Open Access publishing model and distributes content under the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License. Copyright is retained by authors. Please make sure that you are well aware of these policies.
1.3 Publication Fees
The APC for each submission is $2600. There are no additional charges based on color, length, figures, or other elements.
OAE provides expense deduction for authors as appropriate. For more details, please refer to OAE Publication Fees.
1.4 Language Editing
All submissions are required to be presented clearly and cohesively in good English. Authors whose first language is not
English are advised to have their manuscripts checked or edited by a native English speaker before submission to ensure
the high quality of expression. A well-organized manuscript in good English would make the peer review even the whole
editorial handling more smooth and efficient.
If needed, authors are recommended to consider the language editing services provided by OAE to ensure that the
manuscript is written in correct scientific English before submission. An extra charge is required to enjoy this service.
Please visit or contact for more details.
1.5 Work Funded by the National Institutes of Health
If an accepted manuscript was funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH), the author may inform editors of the NIH
funding number. The editors are able to deposit the paper to the NIH Manuscript Submission System on behalf of the author
2. Submission Preparation
2.1 Cover Letter
A cover letter is required to be submitted accompanying each manuscript. It should be concise and explain why the study
is significant, why it fits the scope of the journal, and why it would be attractive to readers, etc.
Here is a guideline of a cover letter for authors’ consideration:
In the first paragraph: include the title and type (e.g., Original Article, Review, Case Report, etc.) of the manuscript, a brief
on the background of the study, the question the author sought out to answer and why;
In the second paragraph: concisely explain what was done, the main findings and why they are significant;
In the third paragraph: indicate why the manuscript fits the Aims and Scope of the journal, and why it would be attractive
to readers;
In the fourth paragraph: confirm that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and not under consideration of any
other journal. All authors have approved the manuscript and agreed on its submission to the journal. Journal’s specific
requirements have been met if any.
If the manuscript is contributed to a special issue, please also mention it in the cover letter.
If the manuscript was presented partly or entirely in a conference, the author should clearly state the background information
of the event, including the conference name, time and place in the cover letter.
2.2 Types of Manuscripts
There is no restriction on the length of manuscripts, number of figures, tables and references, provided that the manuscript
is concise and comprehensive. The journal publishes Original Article, Review, Meta-Analysis, Case Report, Commentary,
etc. For more details about paper type, please refer to the following table.
Manuscript Definition Word Abstract Keywords Main Text Structure
Type Limit
IV Plastic and Aesthetic Research