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Page 6 of 9           Morisada et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2024;11:35

                Figure 3. (A, B) Patient with a history of prior nasal trauma and severe right-sided nasal obstruction due to caudal septal deviation and
                nasal collapse. (C) The severely deviated caudal septum required excision. (D) Septal cartilage and the perpendicular plate of the
                ethmoid bone were used for L-strut reconstruction in vivo. (E) Additional lateral crural strut grafting was performed for external nasal
                valve support. Image courtesy: Oliver et al.  .

               Lateral crural strut grafts
               A technique often utilized to correct lower lateral cartilage asymmetry is lateral crural strut grafting [
               Figure 5] . This can be particularly helpful when there is a significant discrepancy between the two sides in
               contour, shape, or size. First, a dissection plane is created between the lateral crura and its vestibular lining
               with hydrodissection using local anesthetic. A precise pocket is then bluntly dissected laterally within the
               alar soft tissue or under the alar crease for placement of the graft laterally. A more caudal placement of this
               graft can correct alar retraction. This graft is secured to the overlying lower lateral cartilage with horizontal
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