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Page 4 of 15          Friedman et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:23

               thereby restoring a novel afferent route for lymphatic fluid. In 2009, Boccardo et al. applied this innovation
               for the prevention of BCRL by rerouting arm lymphatics to an axillary vein tributary at the time of
               ALND . This procedure, originally termed Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventative Healing Approach
               (LYMPHA)  [64,65] , has more recently been referred to as immediate lymphatic reconstruction . A growing
               body of evidence has demonstrated promising results of ILR for the prevention of BCRL, including a recent
               meta-analysis which reported a BCRL incidence of 5.7% in patients who underwent ILR compared to 34%
               in those who underwent ALND alone .

               An overview of the steps of immediate lymphatic reconstruction is outlined in Figure 1. Immediately prior
               to ALND, a lymphatic-specific dye is injected intradermally for lymphatic channel identification. In order to
               ensure comprehensive visualization of lymphatic channels, we perform intradermal injections of 0.25cc of
               2% fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) mixed with albumin at the 1  and 4  dorsal hand web spaces and at
               the radial and ulnar aspects of the volar wrist crease. Additionally, 1cc of isosulfan blue is injected
               intradermally over the course of the cephalic vein, identified by ultrasound, in the lateral upper arm. The
               anatomic location of these injections can vary, with some opting for upper arm injections as originally
               described [67,68] . Once the ALND is complete, the dye allows for visualization of disrupted lymphatic channels
               within the axilla and the channels can then be prepared for the LVB.

               Various dyes have been utilized for identification of lymphatic channels, including isosulfan blue,
               indocyanine green (ICG), and FITC . Isosulfan blue dye was initially used for ILR, but this dye is also
               frequently utilized for the oncologic mapping of sentinel lymph nodes; therefore, this presented challenges
               in distinguishing sentinel lymph nodes from peripheral arm lymphatics. This necessitated the adoption of
               novel dyes for lymphatic channel identification, such as ICG, which remains a favorable option as it is not
               consistently used during the oncologic portion of the procedure. However, the use of ICG is limited by the
               inability to visualize the dye without a near-infrared camera and can compromise the surgeon’s view of the
               surrounding structures under the surgical microscope. Additionally, some oncologic surgeons will utilize
               ICG for breast sentinel lymph node biopsy, though this is institution dependent. Some groups have utilized
               FITC as an effective alternative, given the ability of FITC to be visualized with a fluorescence filter applied
               to the microscope that does not limit the visibility of surrounding anatomical structures . Therefore, both
               lymphatic channel visualization and microsurgical reconstruction can be carried out without interference.
               Notably, each of these techniques allows for visualization of superficial structures 1-2 cm below the skin and
               therefore, deep lymphatic channels are not currently able to be readily identified during ILR.

               While each dye has distinct advantages and disadvantages, further research is necessary to develop
               standardized methods for lymphatic channel identification . For example, increasing dye uptake in
               lymphatic vessels and improved visualization of deep lymphatic channels are notable obstacles in the
               application of newer dyes. Conjugating a fluorophore to a larger compound, such as to dextran, albumin, or
               polyethylene glycol (PEG), may have potential utilization, as any particle too small (< 5 nm) or too large (>
               100 nm) precludes dye uptake into the lymphatic channels . Prior investigations determined that the
               optimal size for lymphatic uptake is 10-100 nm; therefore, these dyes may aid in optimizing lymphatic
               uptake. Furthermore, near-infrared (NIR) dyes and upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) are other
               potential methods to enhance lymphatic visualization .

               Following the identification of the transected lymphatic channels, a target vein for the lymphovenous bypass
               is identified. There are multiple recipient venous candidates in the axilla, including the accessory vein
               (thoracoepigastric vein), lateral thoracic vein, medial pectoral vein, circumflex scapular vein, thoracodorsal
               vein, or other unnamed adjacent venous tributaries [Figure 2] [67,73] . The accessory vein, which is the most
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