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Page 6 of 13          Yesantharao et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2022;9:60

               Table 1. Summary of preclinical investigations
                Study       Objectives    Study     Treatments   of      Timeline/Duration  Study outcomes
                (reference)*              design                 animals
                Small animal
                Nguyen et al.,   To investigate the   Randomized  (1) Untreated   n = 7   BioBridge was implanted   BioBridge implantation
                2022 [32]   efficacy of BioBridge  Factorial   controls   prevention  immediately in the   at the time of lymph
                            implantation both   Design (2   (2) BioBridge after  group;   preventive group, and 1   node excision prevented
                            preventatively and as  treatment   lymphadenectomy  n = 5   month after the   lymphedema
                            a treatment in a   groups)  but prior to   treatment  establishment of   development. BioBridge
                            rodent model of         radiation    group   lymphedema in the   seeded with stem cells
                            acquired                (preventive)         treatment group, study   also had therapeutic
                            lymphedema.             (3) BioBridge +      data were collected up to  effects in rodents with
                            Outcomes were           autologous           4 months after scaffold   established
                            measured using CT-      adipose-derived      implantation     lymphedema, with
                            based volumetric        stem cells                            demonstrated
                            analysis and near-      (treatment)                           regeneration of
                            infrared fluoroscopy                                          lymphatic vasculature
                            to detect lymphatic
                Large animal
                Hadamitzky et al.,  To investigate the   Randomized  (1) Untreated   n = 4   BioBridge was implanted 3  BioBridge treatment
                2016        efficacy of BioBridge  Factorial   controls   control;   months after   with or without lymph
                            scaffold placement   Design (2   (2) BioBridge +   n = 4   establishment of   node transfer
                            +/- concurrent   treatment   VEGF-C   BioBridge +  lymphedema; study data   significantly improved
                            vascularized lymph   groups)  (3) BioBridge +   VEGF-C;   were collected up to 3   bioimpedance ratios
                            node transfer in a      lymph node   n = 8   months after scaffold   and increased
                            porcine model of        fragments    BioBridge +  implantation  quantifiable lymphatic
                            acquired                             lymph                    collectors in the treated
                            lymphedema.                          node                     area, indicating targeted
                            Outcomes were                        fragments                regeneration of
                            assessed using                                                functional lymphatic
                            bioimpedance,                                                 vessels. VEGF-C, on the
                            histologic evaluation,                                        other hand, was found
                            and computed                                                  to hinder directional
                            tomography imaging                                            lymphangiogenic
                            of lymphatic vessels                                          sprouting
                            in the treated limb

               *See References section for full citation; citation number on References list provided here in parentheses. VEGF-C: Vascular endothelial growth
               factor-C; VLNT: vascularized lymph node transfer.

               lymphangiography. This study demonstrated that BioBridge implantation significantly enhanced lymphatic
               regeneration when placed alone or in combination with autologous lymph node fragment transfer. Animals
               treated with BioBridge demonstrated a significantly greater density of lymphatic vessels. In fact, the highest
               density of lymphatic vessels in treated animals was found within 100 microns of the scaffold, demonstrating
               the specific impact that the scaffold had on augmenting lymphatic regeneration. Upon computed
               tomography imaging and bioimpedance testing, the BioBridge treatment group with concurrent autologous
               lymph node fragment transfer demonstrated functional improvement in lymphedema symptoms compared
               to the control group. In experimental groups treated with VEGF-C impregnated scaffolds, however, it was
               found that exogenous VEGF-C resulted in nonfunctional lymphangiogenesis. The presence of growth factor
               distributed uniformly along the length of the scaffold obscured the directionality of lymphatic regeneration,
               resulting in ineffectual lymphangiogenesis.

               Nanofibrillar collagen scaffolds: clinical investigations
               Nanofibrillar collagen scaffolds have also been investigated in humans, with preliminary results
               demonstrating the safety of scaffold placement as well as success in improving lymphedema symptoms
               [Table 2]. Study eligibility criteria are reported in Table 2 - including studies that investigated BioBridge
               placement in lymphedema patients across a variety of stages (stage I-III), as both a primary treatment and a
               secondary procedure in patients who had already undergone prior physiologic therapy (e.g., LVA, VLNT).
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