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Husein et al. One Health Implement Res 2023;3:16-29                                   Page 24

               Table 5. The Odds Ratio and the Confidence Interval of the Multiple Logistic Regression Model; as a reference, Team I, fish meal
               bait, multiple dogs, medium-sized dogs, and males were selected
                Variable                           Odds ratio                    95%CI
                Team II                            1.99                          1.08-3.73
                Team III                           3.29                          1.68-6.57
                Team IV                            1.94                          1.03-3.68
                Team V                             1.61                          0.88-2.97
                Team VI                            1.33                          0.70-2.56
                Team VII                           3.64                          1.78-7.58
                Team VIII                          1.84                          0.94-3.62
                Team IX                            1.85                          0.97-3.56
                Team X                             2.13                          1.10-4.18
                Bait - intestine                   5.67                          4.03-8.06
                Bait - egg                         4.94                          3.51-6.70
                Social - single                    1.15                          0.84-1.57
                Size - large                       0.98                          0.66-1.45
                Size - small                       2.44                          1.06-6.05
                Sex - female                       1.28                          0.92-1.79

               Table 6. Bait handling per bait type- only when the bait was accepted and consumed; N - number of dogs observed that were offered
               and consumed a bait for the listed setting
                                                                              Bait type (%)
                Factor             Settings                   N                                   Test
                                                                     Intestine     Egg     Fish
                Amount             100%                       83     91.0          69.0    64.1   Chi 2
                consumed           50%-99%                    93     4.8           13.7    22.2
                                   < 50%                      581    4.2           17.3    11.0
                Sachet-1           Perforated                 618    84.9          95.9    71.1   Chi
                Sachet-2           Discarded                  513    41.0          83.7    93.3   Chi 2
                                   Swallowed                  233    59.0          16.3    6.7
                Handling time      Very short (< 10 sec)      89     19.6          9.7     2.0    Chi 2
                                   Short (10-30 sec)          224    32.8          27.4    27.4
                                   Medium (31-60 sec)         187    19.3          26.2    31.5
                                   Long (> 60 sec)            256    28.3          36.7    39.1

               directly. The slightly lower observed interest in the egg-bait (81.1%) lies within the range observed in other
               countries; 77.4%-95.8% [20,21,27,33,34] . As these local free-roaming dogs are often fed leftovers, the animals are
               familiar with locally available material that can be used for bait preparation. The texture, smell, and taste of
               industrially manufactured baits like egg - and fish meal baits may be unfamiliar, and thus the animals are
               less inclined to accept these readily. To overcome this, a locally available pet liquid snack was pasted on the
               external egg bait matrix since, in Thailand, it was shown that such a substance improved bait acceptance .
               Here, adding paste to egg bait accelerated bait acceptance when offered to the dogs, resulting in an increase
               in bait acceptance from 87.3% (without paste) to 92.8% (with paste) . Only 58.6% of the dogs offered the
               fish meal bait consumed it, similar to Thai dogs (50.3%) but lower than dogs in Navajo Nation (81.8%) [20-21] .
               Also, in Turkey, it was shown that the fish meal bait, as used for ORV of foxes and raccoon dogs in Europe,
               was not very attractive to local dogs .
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