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Page 23                                   Husein et al. One Health Implement Res 2023;3:16-29

               Table 4. Vaccination success defined as the release of the sachet contents in the oral cavity of the dog for the different factors and
               their settings; n - number of dogs considered vaccinated, N - number of dogs offered a bait. The different settings of each variable
               were compared with each other for significant differences
                                                             Vaccination success
                Factor            Settings                                         P-value      Test
                                                      n/N              %
                Age               Juvenile            95/145           65.5        0.13         Fisher’s
                                  Adult               528/840          62.9
                Area              Karangasem          308/500          61.6        0.40         Fisher’s
                                  Buleleng            322/500          64.4
                Bait              Intestine           256/330          78.3        < 0.0001     Chi 2
                                  Egg                 239/319          75.4
                                  Fish meal           135/351          38.8
                Campaign day      1 st                258/426          60.6        0.36         Chi 2
                                  2                   243/378          64.3
                                  3 rd                129/196          65.8
                Confinement       Restricted          40/58            69.0        0.40         Fisher’s
                                  Free-roaming        591/941          62.8
                Date              23.11.2021          115/205          56.1        0.33         Chi
                                  24.11.2021          151/234          64.5
                                  25.11.2021          42/61            68.9
                                  30.11.2021          142/221          64.7
                                  01.12.2021          92/144           63.9
                                  02.12.2021          87/135           64.4
                Ownership         Owned               449/707          63.5        0.46         Fisher’s
                                  Ownerless           162/266          60.9
                Period            Early morning       220/356          61.8        0.82         Chi 2
                                  Late morning        213/330          64.5
                                  Early afternoon     151/244          61.9
                                  Late afternoon      46/70            65.7
                Sex               Male                424/689          61.5        0.58         Fisher’s
                                  Female              201/301          66.8
                Size              Small               25/34            73.5        0.13         Chi 2
                                  Medium              402/658          61.1
                                  Large               203/306          66.3
                Social status     Single              439/680          64.6        0.16         Fisher’s
                                  Multiple            191/319          59.9
                Team              I                   49/100           49.0        0.0005       Chi 2
                                  II                  63/100           63.0
                                  III                 75/100           75.0
                                  IV                  65/100           65.0
                                  V                   56/100           56.0
                                  VI                  55/100           55.0
                                  VII                 77/100           77.0
                                  VIII                60/100           60.0
                                  IX                  62/100           62.0
                                  X                   68/100           68.0

               In comparison, for example, in Thailand, the intestine bait was slightly adapted, with pieces of boiled
               intestine placed inside a collagen casing . The high attractiveness of the intestine bait, as observed in other
               studies [18,20,21,33] , was confirmed in Bali; 96.9% of the dogs showed interest in the bait when it was offered
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